Why You Should Start Academic Projects from Engineering 1st Year?

There is one story of a guy who was desperately looking forward to a job with a particular reputed company. He attended interviews several times with his own projects, but was not selected, and even got rejected by the HR personnel and panel of experts due to some shortcomings and limitations in his projects. Eventually, on one fine day he was hired by them that too with the unequivocal precedence that the company had decided not to miss this person any more at any cost.

Now, the question is what makes him so special to be placed in such a company? Was it his idea after several bits of failures, or anything else? In other words, what was the reason that made him attend the same interview several times? The only reason we can ascertain that he was a “perfectionist looking forward to a perfect work”. Then,

Project Implementation
Project Implementation

How to be a perfectionist in your work?

As a prevalent trend, many students start concentrating or rather focusing on their academic projects just 2 to 3 months prior to completing their studies, and usually get project ideas from some technical websites and project developer blogs. This erroneous decision put them in back seat as the complete system of the project becomes faulty and eventually make their efforts less productive and the outcome pathetic. Being ignorant of this fact, many students still live in comfortable zone.

Therefore, the question that comes to the mind is what is the auspicious time to start project? Is it at the beginning of the Final year or somewhere in between? The time to start looking forward to pursue project work is in the beginning of the first year itself because this is the time when a student enters into his institution with a lot of aspirations and ambitions that need to be properly channelized.

The best thing one can do to be on top is by pursuing project work in the first year itself. Therefore, all students must keep this as their topmost priority because they cannot do more as the time move faster than anticipation.

7 Reasons to Start Doing Projects Right from the 1st Year Onwards

The reasons listed below talk about the importance of doing projects early from the first year onwards. If you start doing the projects from the first year of your studies, then it will definitely help you in the following ways:


1. Develops Innovative Spirit

Innovative Spirit

The First step before starting to get involved in the project is to select a topic from a relevant area of study that should not only make you think innovatively right from the commencement of your studies, but also make your theoretical studies as an application-oriented subject.

The efforts involved in searching the topic which is already in existence or a new one which doesn’t exist make your thinking abilities out of the box, and your subject creative owing to your enhanced creative levels of imagination. Considering the time which is always with you will make your ability improve with every passing day.

2. Enhances Curiosity and liking for Studies

Curiosity on Studies

When you select the project topic of your choice in the first year itself, you can always find such topic in your curriculum. If you do so, there is always a possibility of improving your subject in sync with your project as both make your studies interesting.

Therefore, the students who choose their project topics and start pursuing them are always ahead in their studies, project and knowledge as their complete interest, focus and efforts direct on studies.

3. Enhances Subject Specific Knowledge

If you spend more time on your subject of choice, then you will obviously feel focused, enthusiastic and interested in your studies as well as project. As you spend more and more time on the project, gathering information, studying it, analysis it, there is a definite possibility of acquiring profound knowledge in both the theoretical and practical aspects of the subject.

Therefore, spending time from the beginning of the project development makes students develop deep understanding and insights about each component of the project.

4. Makes You a Strategist


We have just discussed a story of a young job aspirant who after several unsuccessful attempts became successful at last in getting the dream job of his choice. The problem with that young man was that every time he encountered a problem, he resolved it by devising a strategy.

However, he was unsuccessful in resolving so many problems at a time, and therefore, took several attempts to devise and implement renewed strategies. By doing so he moved ahead patiently by learning from his mistakes that eventually led him to devise a far better strategy, which at last worked for him and he became successful.

Likewise, for you also, pursuing project in the beginning will make learn from your mistakes and plan properly that eventually will make you a better strategist.

5. Enhances your Capabilities

The dynamic world in which you are living is changing day by day. Likewise, every single day is being renewed with the implementation of newer technologies and knowledge.

Every single approaching day is bringing in some new innovations and findings. Therefore, if you start doing project right from the beginning, then you will be in a better position to implement renewed technologies as they are changing the world every day.

Moreover, you can not only implement new things, but can also avoid any shortcomings by opening up the room for advancement.

6. Enhances your Problem Solving and Team Building Abilities

If you have faced enormous problems and bits of failures and somehow become successful in tackling them, then you will definitely enhance your problem solving abilities, project handling abilities and the abilities to learn from your mistakes.

7. Translates Aspirations into Dream and Dream into Vision

Most of the students have aspirations to become successful in their studies. If they carry that aspirations forward with a dream project by pursuing it, and then ultimately implementing it, then that will make their aspirations transformed into real beneficial work.

Image if this happens from the beginning of their studies, then they will become more determine, optimistic and productive. At last they will become successful in transforming their aspirations into dream and that dream into reality and eventually to a vision.

After going through all of these advantages, now it becomes pertinent for all students to start pursuing their project work from the 1st year onwards. The project plan should always be a preplanned task and must always be taken as the top priority.

Proper planning and relentless work will definitely make you successful in your endeavors. Let your work be beneficial for others, and therefore, your comments are anticipated in the comments section given below:

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