Latest IOT Projects for B.Tech and M.Tech Engineering Students

IoT stands for Internet of things. It is a new form of internet connectivity through which various physical electronic devices can be connected to each other over the internet. When various electronic and hardware devices are connected using this technology they can communicate with each other, monitor and control each other over the internet. With the advancement in this technology, implementation of various type of efficient, accurate systems such as remote patient health monitoring system, the energy meter reading system over the internet etc.. has become reality. With its increasing popularity, this technology is being adapted for many mini and major projects by engineering graduates. Let us discuss about a few new IOT projects for B.Tech and M.Tech engineering students. But, primarily we must know what are IOT projects?

IOT based Projects for Engineering Students

IOT Projects
IOT Projects

The internet of things projects or IOT technology is being applied in various fields such as media, environmental monitoring, infrastructure management, manufacturing, energy management system, medical system, home automation, and transportation systems. to solve various engineering challenges. In this article let us discuss some new IoT projects for B.Tech and M.Tech engineering students.

IOT based Projects for Students

Some of the examples of IoT based projects for students are

Underground Cable Fault Distance Display System over the Internet

Display of Underground Cable Fault Distance over Internet by
Display of Underground Cable Fault Distance over the Internet by

The main intention of this project is to find the underground cable fault distance (in kilometers) from the base station and also to display the same over the internet. In general, if a fault occurs due to any reason in the underground cable system then, it is very difficult to identify the location of the fault to repair it.

Display of Underground Cable Fault Distance over Internet Project Block Diagram by
Display of Underground Cable Fault Distance over Internet Project Block Diagram by

The above figure represents the block diagram of underground cable fault detection and displays over the internet project. This project circuit block diagram consists of various blocks such as a power supply block, microcontroller block, relays, LCD display, and GSM module. Thus, this proposed IOT application can be used to detect the exact location of the fault and also for sending the data to a particular website in the graphical format along with displaying over an LCD display using GSM module.

Energy Meter Reading System Over Internet

Energy Meter Reading over Internet Project by
Energy Meter Reading over Internet Project by

The conventional energy meter reading system may cause low accuracy and low efficiency. This project, energy meter reading over the internet facilitates the display of units consumed and cost over the internet (in the form of chart and gauge).

Energy Meter Reading over Internet Project Block Diagram by
Energy Meter Reading over Internet Project Block Diagram by

The project block diagram is shown in the above figure which consists of various blocks such as a microcontroller, energy meter, LDR, load, LCD display, GSM modem, and power supply block. The digital energy meter used in this project consists of blinking LED (for 1unit it flashes 3200 times) which is interfaced with 8051 microcontroller through LDR. Thus, the LDR generates an interrupt for every LED blink and is fed to the microcontroller. The microcontroller takes the reading and displays the same over LCD interfaced with a microcontroller.

Transformer or Generator Health Monitoring Remotely Over Internet

Remote monitoring of transformer or generator health over internet project by
Remote monitoring of transformer or generator health over internet project by

The main intention of this project is to obtain the real-time data of generators or distribution transformers remotely over the internet and monitor their proper working. In this project, to monitor temperature, voltage, and current of the transformer, a temperature sensor, potential transformer, and current transformer are used.

Remote monitoring of transformer or generator health over internet project Block Diagram by
Remote monitoring of transformer or generator health over internet project Block Diagram by

The analog values of these three are taken in multiplexing mode connected to a programmable microcontroller using ADC0808. The values of all these sensors are sequentially sent based on the frequency of multiplexing of ADC by MC. Then, these values are sent to a particular IP using WiFi module under the TCP IP protocol. Thus, the data can be seen over the LCD display at the sending end and the same can be displayed on web-connected PC or laptop in three different charts.

Home Automation Under Wi-Fi through Android Apps from any Smart Phone

Home automation under Wi-Fi through Android apps from any smart phone Project by
Home automation under Wi-Fi through Android apps from any smartphone Project by

The main intention of this project is for controlling multiple domestic electrical loads remotely over the internet. To realize this innovative IOT application project in real time a user-configurable front end (GUI) smartphone Android app is used.

Home automation under Wi-Fi through Android apps from any smart phone Project Block Diagram by
Home automation under Wi-Fi through Android apps from any smartphone Project Block Diagram by

The commands generated by operating smartphone android app are sent to the nearby wireless module through the allotted IP. Then, the commands are sent to the WiFi module interfaced with 8051 microcontrollers, under TCP IP through networked wireless modem environment. Based on the commands received by the microcontroller the relay drivers will be controlled and the relays connected to loads can be operated to switch on or off the loads. The status of loads can also be displayed over the LCD display at the sending end.

Some Other Examples of IoT based Projects are

  • IoT gateway, a method for bridging various wireless sensor networks over the internet.
  • DDOS in the IoT – Merai and other botnets.
  • Designing a WSN platform for long term environmental monitoring for IoT applications.
  • Developing vehicular data cloud services in the IoT environment.
  • Ubiquitous data accessing method in IoT based information system for emergency medical services.
  • RFID technology for IoT-based personal healthcare in smart spaces.
  • Blockchain for IoT security and privacy.
  • Designing IoT systems that support reflective thinking.
  • Secure medical data transmission model for IoT based healthcare system.
  • Traffic signal automation through IoT by sensing and detecting traffic intensity through IR sensors.
  • An IoT based system to analyze the real-time collapsing probability of structures.
  • Indoor occupancy detection and estimation using machine learning and measurements from an IoT LORA based monitoring system.
  • Smart home automation and metering system using IoT.
  • Cloud and IoT based disease prediction and diagnosis system for healthcare using Fuzzy neural classifier.
  • Industrial IoT field gateway design for heterogeneous process monitoring and control.
  • IoRCar: IoT supported automatic robotic movement and control.
  • Lightweight and privacy-preserving RFID authentication scheme for distributed IoT infrastructure with secure
  • localization services for the smart city environment.
  • Token-based network service among IoT applications.
  • Smart walker based IoT physical rehabilitation system.
  • Continuous heart rate monitoring system as an IoT edge device.
  • Self-powered IoT device for indoor applications.
  • Fog assisted IoT enabled patient health monitoring in smart homes.
  • Design and implementation of an IoT based Monitoring system for inland vessels using multiple sensor networks.
  • Chronic care model based on IoT to monitor and care for patients with type-2 diabetes.
  • An intelligent garbage bin based on NB-IoT research mode.

With the increase in flexibility of IoT technology to add a large number of devices over the internet, the threat for privacy and security of data of devices is also increased. So many new data security algorithms and software are being designed to tackle this problem. Yet, this concept still remains the main drawback of IoT based systems.
The new concept of using Machine learning along with IoT has become the trending research these days.

Do you have any innovative IOT project ideas to implement in real time? Then, feel free to approach us for any technical help regarding the implementation of electronics projects. Please post your views, comments, ideas, and suggestions in the comments section below.

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