GSM Projects for Engineering Students

GSM or Global System for Mobile Communications projects are based on one of the emerging technology of the century. It deals with the design of a stand-alone embedded system that can monitor and control several devices remotely irrespective of distance limitations. Generally sending and receiving SMS is the concept followed in embedded domain. The system has two parts, namely; hardware and software. The hardware architecture consists of a stand-alone embedded system using an 8-bit microcontroller, several types of interface, and driver circuits. The system software driver is developed using an interactive C programming language. Here we are providing the list of various GSM projects for final year electronics students. These GSM projects are more helpful for ECE and EEE students in completing their engineering successfully.

GSM Projects for Engineering Students

The list of GSM projects for engineering students includes the following.

GSM Modem
GSM Modem

Railway Track Security System

This project is designed to find the breakages or cracks on tracks in the electric locomotive system and alert the railway department. It is the latest technology to avoid railway accidents. Here we use GSM Communication protocols to send the message of breakage detection via SMS. A microcontroller can be used to process this data and convey it through the required communication protocol.

Flood Intimation over GSM Network

This flood intimation project is designed to detect a rise in the water level and convey the message to the concerned authorities by using GSM protocols. As the water level rises from a fixed level, (which can be sensed by using any sensor) the microcontroller gets interrupted.

GSM based wireless Electronic Notice Board

The main concept of this project is to develop a digital notice board. A control unit is connected to the notice board. The message sent by the user is received by the control unit. A GSM modem is interfaced with the control unit to receive messages from the users.

GSM based Vehicle Location Identifier

Theft intimation of a vehicle can be conveyed to the owner of it via SMS by using GSM communication protocols. A control unit comprising of a microcontroller and GSM modem is connected to the vehicle. Once the theft takes place, an interrupt is given to the controller which in turn generates an alert message and transmits it to the owner of the vehicle via GSM modem.


Energy Meter Reading with Load Control using GSM

This project is designed to transmit energy meter readings to the concerned authority via SMS. Additionally, we can also control electrical appliances by sending an SMS to the control unit.

GSM based Integrated Energy Management System

This project is designed to control electrical appliances by using GSM communication protocols. It can be used to control home appliances or even industrial loads also. The concept behind the project is when an SMS is sent to the GSM modem by the user, the modem conveys this message to the microcontroller through RS232 communication.

Energy Meter Status Transmission using GSM

This project is developed to convey the status of the energy meter to the concerned authority using GSM communication protocols. The system is designed to send an SMS to the department in the event of the energy meter being tampered. The control unit comprises a microcontroller and a GSM modem along with sensors and other peripherals.

GSM based Railway Gate Crossing Control

Railway level crossing gate can be controlled by the station master or the engine driver by using GSM communication. The control unit comprises a microcontroller and a GSM modem along with various peripherals and is connected to a DC motor (used for demonstration purpose).

GSM Based Energy Meter Billing

This involves reading electrical energy consumed in units and calculating the bill by the electrical department and sending the bill by SMS to the user.

Theft Intimation of the Vehicle Over SMS to Owner Who Can Stop the Engine Remotely

This involves remote control of the vehicle by its owner at the time of situations like unauthorized access of the vehicle, by using wireless technology to disable the vehicle engine.

RFID Based Device Control and Authentication

It involves checking the authentication of any person to enter the secured area in places like any company or industry.

GSM based Home Security System

This door lock system project is implemented with GSM technology. This system is used to provide the security to home in order to control the doors so that home security can be enhanced. This proposed system allows the user to control the door by sending an SMS to the owner using a GSM modem. If an unauthorized person tries to unlock the door then GSM sends an SMS to alert the owner. This project is used for security purposes.

GSM Based Motor Control

This project is useful where the motor & wireless pump control is required. This project gives many benefits to agriculture people, farmers & industries. This project uses GSM technology to control the motor using the user’s mobile phone.

This system allows the operator to manage the motor through SMS & also make it possible to protect the motor from over-current, single phasing & dry-running. By using this project, the user can operate the motor from anywhere through SMS. The operation of this project is reliable, less maintenance, and low cost.

GPS & GSM based Vehicle Tracking System

This project is used to track the vehicle using GPS & GSM. Please refer to this link to know more about GSM based vehicle location identifier project: Vehicle Theft Control System by using GSM and GPS Systems

GSM based Home Automation using Arduino

This project is used to implement a home automation system using GSM and an Arduino. In this proposed system, Arduino plays a key role in controlling the entire process. This project uses wireless communication like GSM to send commands to control the home appliances. Once the Arduino receives these commands then it sends signals to relays to operate (turn ON/OFF) the home appliances with the help of a relay driver.

GSM based Patient Monitoring System

This project is used to design a monitoring system for patients using GSM. Please refer to this link to know more about GSM based Patient Monitoring System Project

GSM Based Wireless Electronic Notice Board

Please refer to this link to know more about this project: Wireless Electronic Notice Board using GSM

Railway Track Security System

This project is used to design a security system using GSM for railway track. Day by day railway accidents is occurring due to many reasons like fire in trains, derailments than a crash. These derailments are mainly occurred because of the cracks in the railway tracks.

To overcome this, the track detection system is necessary. In this proposed system, the crack detection system is designed for railway tracks using GSM technology. By using this project, railway accidents can be avoided. In this system, GSM is used to convey the message regarding the crack detection on tracks through an SMS to the railway authorities.

GSM based Alert System

This project designs a system for detecting burglary & reporting. In this project, sensors are connected to doors to detect person entry. The signals which are received by the sensor were transmitted to PDU (Presence Detection Unit) through RF communication. The PDU system includes a sensor and a camera. This sensor detects the motion of the intruder whereas the camera is used to capture the images of him.

Once a burglar was detected through the PDU, then an SMS can be sent to the mobile unit of the operator & the images which are captured will be sent to a software application of the mobile. By using this project, the presence of a burglar can be detected and reported to the concerned person in a test area accurately.

GSM based LED Control using Arduino

This project is used to control the LEDs with Arduino depending on the received messages through the GSM module. This proposed system uses a GSM module to send an SMS to ARDUINO to operate the LED-based on the SMS received. By replacing home appliances instead of LEDs, we can control the home appliances with the help of a relay which is connected to Arduino.

Wireless Heart Attack Detector using GSM

This project develops a system to reduce the rate of death because of the heart attack. In this project, a heart rate sensor, GPS, and GSM are used to detect the heart rate & send the information. The detection of the heart rate of the user can be detected through the heart rate sensor continuously.

This system includes a fixed threshold value, once the threshold value goes above or below then the microcontroller will turn ON the GPS & GSM to send the information using the user’s location to the nearby health sector or to the family members. The main intension of this project is to develop a system to help people from heart attack diseases.

Automatic Meter Reading System using GSM

This project provides a low-cost system namely wireless GSM-based energy meter including a web interface. This project is used to automate the billing & manage the received data worldwide. This project changes normal meter reading techniques & allows remote access for obtainable energy meter through the energy provider. This system monitors the meter readings of meter regularly without visiting every house. For every energy meter, a GSM-based communication module is attached so that it can be operated remotely.

GSM Controlled Robot Using DTMF Technology by Voice Call

This project designs a system to control the robot with the help of DTMF technology. At present, DTMF technology is the most useful which can be used to control the robots with the help of GSM. As compare with RF, DTMF has cone benefits like it improves the working range & provides the best results in case of robot motion & direction through a mobile phone. This kind of communication provides the remote handling function for Robots through DTMF technology.

Students Enquiry System Based On GSM

This project is used to design a system for students enquiry using GSM. By using this project, student’s performance reports can be obtained by their parents through the SMS to their mobile phones from anywhere where the network is available.

The proposed system implements a GSM-based response system through an automated SMS. This project is applicable in colleges because the data storage capacity of this project is good. This project uses a GSM technology that is used to communicate among the mobile as well as embedded devices.

GSM Based Fantasy House

The main intension of this project is to design a Fantasy House wherever all the home appliances controlling can be done using a Micro-controller. These appliances can be controlled at normal time intervals by sending an SMS. The technology used in this project is new which enables the user to control the devices from anywhere using remote in the area of GSM network.

GSM based Vehicle Fuel Theft Detection System with SMS indication

This project designs a detection system for fuel theft using GSM. This project is used in cars, bikes, etc. This project is designed with a GSM modem which is used to send an SMS to the vehicle owner regarding the fuel theft. So this project is used to overcome this situation.

This project uses a level sensor for detecting the petrol level within the vehicle tank. If the petrol level decreases a fixed level, then the level sensor provides a specific signal to the microcontroller, so this microcontroller activates the buzzer & sends an SMS to the vehicle owner.

GSM based Project Ideas

The list of some more GSM project ideas for engineering students is listed below. The following GSM projects are more useful in selecting the topic for final year engineering students for different streams like ECE, EIE, EEE, etc.

GSM based projects
GSM based projects
  1. Propeller Display Of Time / Message
  2. A Wireless Vending Machine System Based On GSM
  3. Industrial automation with a feedback control system using DTMF GSM Technology
  4. Body Temperature And Electrocardiogram Monitoring Using An SMS Base Telemedicine System
  5. Home security and automation using GSM.
  6. SMS based AC Control.
  7. SD card Device driver for the mobile platform.
  8. Intrusion Detection Using RFID with a password by GSM
  9. Vehicle Position Tracking Using GSM Modem
  10. GSM Based IVRS System
  11. Intelligent quiz server based on GSM Technology.
  12. Intelligent mobile phone with GPS enabled features.
  13. Microcontroller and GSM based Automatic irrigation control.
  14. GSM based wireless substation Fuse is a blown indicator
  15. SMS based irrigation system
  16. GSM mobile-based device monitoring and control system
  17. Railway accident tracking system
  18. Multi-user digital remainder
  19. Multi-purpose security system using GSM.
  20. GSM based instantaneous vehicle registration details extraction system very useful for traffic police
  21. Home appliances monitoring and controlling system using GSM with fencing auto alerts
  22. Automated Electric Billing System
  23. Cell phone operated land rover with cam.
  24. Embedded and GSM based IA mark monitoring system.
  25. Embedded and GSM Based intelligence irrigation system.
  26. Home appliance control with a security system.
  27. GSM based patient tracking system.
  28. Automatic Sensing of taxi trip and Indicating System through GSM.
  29. Gas leakage detection system using GSM.
  30. Vehicle safety system with an alcohol detector.
  31. SMS based weather monitoring system.
  32. Interactive voice response(IVR) system
  33. GSM based school children security system based on RFID.
  34. Real-time home automation based on GSM and wireless ZigBee
  35. Credit card security in a real-time application using GSM technology
  36. GSM based digital Notice board with display on GLCD display
  37. GSM based digital Notice board with display on PC Monitor
  38. GSM/GPRS based digital Notice board with display on Scrolling LED Display
  39. SMS based SCADA implementation for industrial applications with a fencing security system
  40. Dual GSM Modems based irrigation water pump controller for illiterates
  41. SMS based notice board using GSM & LCD with period bell
  42. Security Integrated system based on wireless access protocol for industrial Applications with SMS alert system using GSM modem
  43. Phase irrigation motor monitoring and Auto-controlling based on GSM Technology
  44. GSM based pre-paid Energy Meter with low balance alert
  45. Temperature based Fan Speed Controller and SMS alerts using GSM modem
  46. UPS battery monitoring system over GSM for high availability systems (banking/finance/medical etc)
  47. Smart card and GSM based advanced security system
  48. Advanced Real-time Remote LED scrolling notice board using GSM with SMS
  49. Voice operated Home appliance control System
  50. GSM and GPS interface for human tracking system
  51. Confirming Order Through SMS Printer
  52. Automatic geo-positioning and SMS alerts on road traffic density
  53. SMS Based DC Motor Speed Controller with password protection
  54. ECG data transferring through GSM network
  55. SMS based remote SIM card’s address book access system
  56. Voice enables device switching for physically challenged and emergency alerts through SMS
  57. Home Security System based on LPG gas, Smoke, and Fire Sensors with SMS Based alerts
  58. Digital Fuel level Indicator with vehicle tracking system using GSM
  59. Automatic – Phase alert message with Microcontroller based irrigation system
  60. Design Of Intelligent Mobile Vehicle Checking System Based On ARM
  61. GSM mobile phone-based automobile security system
  62. SMS based Home Automation system
  63. GSM based speed control of single phase induction motor
  64. GSM based speed control and protection of three-phase induction motor
  65. SMS based security system
  66. GSM controlled industrial monitor/controller
  67. Call based home appliance controller
  68. Security breach information for unauthorized entry based on mobile
  69. Mobile and smart card-based voting system
  70. Postpaid Energy mater using GSM
  71. Solar based cell phone charger with the coin pay system
  72. Statistical analysis of weather forecasting in outdoor game stadiums
  73. Development of remote monitoring system for cold storage (IEEE)
  74. Wind power generation monitoring system based on wireless sensor network
  75. Railway anti-collision system using GPS
  76. GSM Based Industrial Fault Diagnose
  77. Advanced Vehicle Security System with Theft control and Accident Notification
  78. Daily SMS report based prepaid energy meter
  79. Accident detection system
  80. Microcontroller based embedded closed-loop feedback control system using GSM technology

Thus, this is all about an overview of GSM projects for final year engineering students. GSM technology is very popular and necessary communication in several applications as in the case of GSM technology in medical services. We hope these GSM-based electronics projects post gives a nice idea about the list of GSM based projects for final year ECE engineering students.

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