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by Tarun Agarwal 4 years ago

What is a Virtual Machine – Types and Advantages

The concept of a virtual machine was introduced around 1960. It is the evolution of the time-sharing technique. In the time-sharing method, each program has full access to all the computer resources but at a time, only one program will...

by Tarun Agarwal 4 years ago

What is Nanotechnology : Types, and Its Uses

All the matter around us is composed of atoms and molecules. To understand the behavior of a particular material the quantum characteristics of the atoms are looked up for. But with the advent of research, it was found that there exists...

by Tarun Agarwal 4 years ago

What is Network Protocol : Types and Its Layers

The first popular protocol is TCP/IP designed in 1970 by Vint Cerf and Bob Kahn and the first network connection called SATNET (Satellite Network) developed in 1973 by Advanced Research Project Agency Network. Some of the top networking...

by Tarun Agarwal 4 years ago

What is Resistance : Definition, Formula and Laws

The flow of electrons in a material produces electricity. These electrons do not travel in a straight path but have to undergo collisions. Based on the amount of electricity the material allows to pass, all materials are categorized as...