Parking Sensor Working and Its Applications

Nowadays, for any automobile driver or owner, parking the vehicle is one of the most important skills. Because measuring the space around his vehicle as well as to know the vehicle bumpers are very hard. This kind of parking issue mainly faces by inexperienced drivers. Frequently, parallel parking involves many back & forth exercises. To overcome this issue, a parking sensor should be developed for easy vehicle parking.

What is the Parking Sensor?

Parking sensors are the proximity sensor which is used to help the vehicle driver in identifying near vehicles while parking. Usually, an automobile company places these sensors at the back bumper of the vehicle. Consequently, this system is also called a driver assistance system. Day by day, the popularity of these sensors has been increased because of increasing automobile dimensions as well as decreasing the parking area.


Types of Parking Sensors

There are two types of parking sensors which include the following.

  • Ultrasonic Parking Sensor
  • Electromagnetic Parking Sensor

1). Ultrasonic Parking Sensor

These sensors play a key role in detecting objects with the help of high-frequency sound waves. These sensors produce sound pulses that reflect off of near objects. A receiver notices the reproduced waves & estimates the space from the car to the object.

  • Usually, these sensors are connected to an alarm device to give an alert to the driver when an obstacle comes near to the vehicle.
  • There are some drawbacks by using these sensors which include the following.
  • Tiny objects are not detected frequently at all.
  • Particular materials like flesh, plastic or blood can’t replicate ultrasonic waves.

Usually, there is a collection of sensors arranged across the bumper of the car, where a layer of grime, as well as dirt, can stop the working of the sensor properly.

2). Electromagnetic Parking Sensors

An electromagnetic parking sensor is used to detect nearby objects with the help of electromagnetic frequencies. As these sensors notice an extensive range of wavelengths over the electromagnetic spectrum. They can notice different types of objects without similar limits of ultrasonic parking sensors. These sensors can be built with a camera to assist car owners in visualizing the vehicle as well as the area around it.


In general, both the parking sensors like ultrasonic as well as electromagnetic are designed to connect whenever it operates at low speed or reverse. Automatically, they stop transmitting data through the infotainment system while moving ahead & at enough speed to reduce driver interruption.

Working Principle

The working principle of the parking sensor mainly depends on an electromagnetic otherwise ultrasonic sensor principle. Whenever the driver uses reverse gear, then parking sensors get triggered automatically and transmits ultrasonic signals. When these signals strike the near object, immediately they get replicated and again they are captured by the parking sensors. Depending upon the elapsed time among sending & recapturing of signals, engine control unit measures the distance from the vehicle to an object.

When the car moves toward an object, then the alarm system gives an alert to the car driver with an audible sound to prevent the vehicle. Some of the automobile companies are providing an inbuilt camera to get an accurate vision of the surrounding area of the vehicle.


The advantages of the parking sensor include the following.

  • This system decreases driver exhaustion during car parking.
  • Reduction in the invisible area in the region of the vehicle eases the difficult task of parking within narrow places.
  • Enhanced view of the region after the vehicle decreases the probability of injuries toward the car otherwise other close by objects.


The limitations of this sensor mainly include the following.

  • Detecting vertical or flat objects in extremely thin is difficult.
  • When the surface is covered with snow cling or mud then the sensor fails in detecting the object

Thus, this is all about an overview of the parking sensor. The applications of parking sensor include where the parking systems are installed like hotels, airports, banks, trade fairs, shopping malls, and airports. Here is a question for you, what is the disadvantages of parking sensor?