PC Based Projects Ideas for Engineering Students

At present, technology is improving in each & every field of life. Similarly, living standards have been changed with the help of an automation system so that appliances can be easily controlled. The automation system is mainly used for controlling and monitoring purposes in industrial, commercial, and residential which depends on the power systems. There are many ways to interact with wireless devices like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and GSM using PC. Because by using PC based GUI application, different loads can be monitored and also controlled using efficient power. These systems are precise, reliable, conserve time, rapid data transfer, store & security. Nowadays many engineering students are showing a lot of interest to come with new thoughts and ideas while doing the projects in the final year. Especially, many ECE and EEE students like to do the projects on PC along with embedded, robotics, and electrical projects. So, here we are listing out some of the interesting PC Based Project Ideas for engineering students.

PC based Projects with Abstract for Engineering Students

The list of PC based project ideas with abstract is discussed below.

PC based Project Ideas
PC based Project Ideas

PC based Control System for Electrical Load

This proposed system is mainly designed for controlling the electrical loads using a personal computer or PC. For instance, the controlling of lighting can be done using a personal computer for high stage management. Previously, the lighting system was controlled by physically which makes it difficult to arrange the lighting with an exact scene. But at present, the proposed system is used to control the lighting system through a PC. Similarly at home, electrical loads can be controlled using the PC. This project uses the MAX 232 protocol to communicate through the PC from 8051 microcontrollers. A hyper terminal is used on PC to switch electrical appliances. When the connection is established through a personal computer, the system will start working.

In the future, this project can be enhanced by implementing a graphical user interface board on the personal computer with appropriate embedded system software.

Equipment Controlling through PC

The proposed system namely window-based equipment controller is used to control eight electrical equipment through a PC. At present, connecting a PC to external devices is becoming very important like automation. The communication between devices to the device can be done with the help of a communication protocol like USB/wireless connectivity & a serial COM port. In this project, a serial communication protocol is used to control different devices. In present PCs, they don’t have serial COM ports but are used in several devices like scientific and industrial devices. So the proposed system is designed with the serial port which is used for communication within PCs.

Communication between PC to PC with LASER

The concept used in this project is optical communication with free space. By using this project, the communication between PC to PC can be done using LASER. This project uses a MAX232 IC with a single power supply. Using IR diodes, the range of communication can be done in between 2 to 3 meters. To increase this communication range, a laser diode is used instead of an IR diode.


The laser module is simply available like a laser pointer where the output of this pointer is 5W. it is used with three cells of the battery where the positive supply of this cell can be soldered to the casing and OV point is connected to the contact within the Laser.

Collect the two prototypes on printed circuit boards & connect them to COM ports of every PC. Connect one module of the laser beam to drop on the photodiode whereas the other one is to connect to PC. To establish the communication, upload serial communication software which is written in C language. By using this code, chatting as well as transferring the file can be done easily.

Scrolling Display for Message Controlled through PC

In this project, a scrolling message display is designed which is controlled through PC. This display board is used in colleges for displaying the latest information anyplace like faculty, mosque, shop, etc. The information can be transmitted through a personal computer.

The connection of PC can be done using a microcontroller with the help of an IC MAX232. This information can be stored in external memory to transmit through PC so that the data can be displayed on an LCD which is connected through the microcontroller. The microcontroller used in this project is from the 8051 family and its programming can be done using an Embedded C Language.

Chatting & Image Sharing from Android to PC

At present, chatting & image sharing is possible through mobile phone to one or many people. But the proposed system allows the user to transmit/ receive the message using mobiles and PCs. In this project, two users are involved to send or receive images, messages, etc. For that, both users need to install this application on their mobile phones. For security, the messages can be encrypted as well as decrypted the images through this system. This project allows the users to send images, messages from their mobile phones with the help of PC. In android, this is a web application by using this application the communication between two people can be done easily from anywhere. This application allows the users to send messages between two different OS-based devices.

The advantages of this project mainly include this is a platform-independent and the messages can be encrypted & decrypted because of the security issues and the messages can be sent through mobile or PC. The main drawbacks of this system are, it is applicable for only two persons. Audio/Video sharing cannot be possible and it depends on the network to work properly.

Location Tracking of PC

This project is used to design a system to track the exact location of a PC due to some security issues in companies. This tracking can be done using the OP address that is issued from internet providers based on the location. The proposed system uses the IP address to track a personal computer on a Google map. This can be designed for recovering the information of IP addresses for a particular PC. This is an efficient & robust PC tracking system used for companies & cybercrime. So this functionality can be achieved using the .Net framework which is coupled through SQL backend.

Retrieval System for PC Configuration using Online Server

PC configuration plays a key role in different applications of gaming or software. At present, the users of PC are unaware of their correct PC configuration due to a nontechnical background. Different companies deal with bulk software but interacting with every customer is difficult manually. To overcome this problem, this project is used to know a PC configuration retriever.

In this project, it must be instructed first using various gaming or software applications. So when a PC user wants to know whether a game or software is running properly or not within his PC, then he doesn’t require to check manually. The website of the company will include the application so that it can be downloaded and executed without installing it.
Now, this system will ask the user regarding the game or software compatibility he wants to verify in his PC, then the user PC can be scanned & gives the suggestions regarding the updates he needs to run within his PC. The PC software will send the data through the username to the organization to stay in touch with the PC user.

Internet through Monitoring System for PC

Generally, we come across wherever a company owner or admin needs to check user work. This monitoring will help the admin to know whether any mal activity that is not supposed to be cone by the member of staff. To overcome this, here is a system used to monitor the PC on demand of authority. This system can be operated through an Internet connection that has high BW.

When an admin requests, the system will send a snapshot of a PC through an e-mail server for transferring images. So the PC snapshots can be checked from any place due to the installation of the server application. Once the request receives then it will be checked whether the received request is from the same PC or not. If the request is from the same PC then the system uses the recorder for the snapshot to receive a screenshot of the active PC. Now, the system sends this PC screenshot like an attachment of an email using an email server. The authority of the server may get the PC snapshot using email to access the mails from any location.

Motion Control through PC

Motion controlling is used in several applications by integrating a plug-in card into PC like manufacturing of light, machines in laboratory & instrumentation. Motion control systems will merge DSP (digital signal processor) & FPGAs (field-programmable gate arrays) to design an open architecture system using the x86 PC platform.
At present, most of the tasks in industrial automation use PCs. However, a current PC & multi-tasking OS does not give the necessary feature to get motion control properly. A motion-controlled card is used in a PC for achieving the best motion control that is connected with a supervisory system.

Hybrid architectures uniting a PC by integrating one or many motion control cards will give several benefits for designers of the system when compared with fixed solutions which can be implemented through separate motion controllers.

PC Based Project Ideas

Following are Few more interesting PC Based Project Ideas using Robots, PC Based Project Ideas for Electrical, PC Based Project Ideas for Electronics that may be useful for engineering students.

  • PC Based Electrical Load Control
  • Unique Office Communication System Using RF
  • PC Controlled Scrolling Message Display for Notice Board
  • Wireless message Communication Between Two Computers
  • SCADA (Supervisory Control & Data Acquisition) for Remote Industrial Plant
  • Automatic Surveillance Camera Panning System from PC
  • Using TV Remote as a Cordless Mouse for the Computer
  • Using TV Remote as a Cordless Mouse for the Computer Using PIC Microcontroller
  • PC based cordless pick and place Robot
  • PC Based Room Cooling System
  • PC Based Stepper Motor Speed Control System
  • PC Based Electrical Appliances Control System
  • PC to PC Data Transmission through Infrared Rays
  • PC Based 4-Axis Stepper Motor Tracking System
  • PC Based Auto Feed Bottle Washing Machine
  • PC Based Automatic Mono Rail System
  • PC Based Wireless Welding Robot
  • PC Based Remote Controlled Material Handling Vehicle
  • PC Based Wireless Code Locking System for Machines
  • PC Based Wireless Robot
  • PC Based Solar Car
  • PC Based Material Handling Equipment
  • PC Based Temperature, Voltage and Speed (T-V-S) Measuring System
  • RS 232 Communication Based Voltage Monitoring System
  • PC-PC Communication Using Infrared Rays
  • PC Based On-Load Monitoring of Distribution Transformer Tap Changer Using RF Communication
  • Multi-Device Control System Using PC
  • PC Based Home Automation
  • PC Based Multi-Motor Control System
  • RS 232 Communication Based Touch Screen Monitoring
  • Fuzzy Logic Based PC-PC Communication through Laser Beam
  • Add on Cards for PCs to extend the Output Ports Using 8255 for ISA Slot
  • PC Based Moving Message Display
  • PC Based Motor Speed Monitoring System
  • RS 232 Communication Based Length Measurement System
  • PC Based Different Industrial Parameter Measuring Using ADC Control
  • PC Based Wireless Multi-Machine Control System
  • RS 232 Communication Based Automatic Moisture & Light Control System
  • PC Based Auto Dialing Home Security System
  • PC Based Packing Control Machine for Industrial Application
  • PC Based DC Motor Speed Controller Using PWM Techniques
  • RS 232 Communication Based Stepper Motor Position & Angle Controller
  • PC Based Auto Dialing Industrial Security System
  • PC Based Metro Train Auto Ticketing System
  • PC Based Function Generator
  • PC Based Digital Clock
  • PC Based Relay Switching to Operate Motor
  • PC Based Multimeter
  • PC Based Bio-telemetry for Medical Aided Information
  • PC Based Light, Fan Control
  • PC Based Relay Switching
  • PC Based Mobile Phone Activation for PC File
  • PC Based 4-Axis Stepper Motor Control
  • PC Based Frequency Measurement
  • PC Based Seismograph
  • PC Based Visitor Counter
  • PC Based Bank Token Number Display
  • PC Based 3D XYZ Axis Motor (Matrix) Control
  • PC Based Data Acquisition Card for PC
  • PC Based Simple Analogue Interface for PC
  • PC Based Speed Monitoring System (Tachometer)
  • PC Based Computerized Morse code Generator/Transmitter
  • PC Based 7-Segment Rolling Display
  • PC Based Heart Beat/Pulse Monitor
  • PC Based Satellite Antenna (Dish) Tapping
  • PC Based Voltage Transducer
  • PC Based DC Motor Control
  • PC Based Audio Playback Device
  • PC Based Oscilloscope
  • PC to PC Communication
  • PC Based Robotic Arm
  • PC Based Robotic Car
  • PC Based IR Based Unmanned Railway Crossing
  • PC Based Lift/Elevator Controller
  • PC Based Touch Screen Sensing System
  • PC Based Digital AM/FM Tuner
  • PC Based Temperature Indicator cum Controller
  • PC Based IR Remote Dimmer with Status Indicator
  • PC Based Light Dimmer Control
  • PC Based Electronic Voting Machine
  • PC Based Metal Detector with Speed Indication
  • PC Based Process Automation
  • PC Based Time Operated Device Control
  • PC Based Smart Traffic Light Control System
  • PC Based Speech/Voice Recognition System
  • PC Based Boiler Cum Indicator
  • PC Based Sun Seeker
  • PC Based Telephone Call Recorder Cum Time Keeper
  • PC Based Multimode Light Chaser
  • PC Based Liquid Level Monitor/Controller
  • PC Based Combustion Engine Control
  • PC Based Over Speed Indicator & Detection
  • PC Based Phone Banking System for Account Statement
  • PC Based Smart Card
  • PC Based School Bell
  • PC Based Dial Clock with Timer
  • PC Based Bus Route Detector with Hazard/Bus Full Indication
  • PC Based Wireless LAN Bluetooth Technology
  • PC Based Mouse Control Using Eye Blink
  • PC Based Radar Console Simulator
  • PC Based AC/DC Motor Speed Control with IGBT Drives
  • PC Based 5 Channel Logic Analyzer
  • PC Based Angle Measurement Tool
  • PC Based Distance Measurement Robot
  • PC Based Smart Card for Music Shop
  • PC Based Wireless Object Counter for Industry
  • PC Based Radio Frequency Identification Tags (RFID)
  • PC Based Security Alarm Transmission
  • PC Based ‘music on-demand’ at Your Mobile Phone
  • PC Based Eye Detection for Message Reading
  • PC Based Tongue Operated Mouse
  • PC Based Remote Voting System through mobile
  • PC Based 7-Segment Display
  • PC Based Proportionate TRIAC and Control Using PC
  • PC Based Power Control
  • PC Based Fibre Communication
  • PC Based Wind Direction Indicator cum Speed Measurement
  • PC Based Car Parking Monitor
  • PC Based Global Positioning System: GPS
  • PC Based Finger Operated Mouse
  • PC Based Programmable Logic Controller
  • PC Based Joystick Controller
  • PC Based Temperature Controller
  • PC Based Light Finder
  • PC Based Club Entry Smart Card
  • PC Based Analog Reader
  • PC Based Scale for Measurement
  • PC Based Telephone Exchange
  • PC Based Telephone Dialer
  • PC Based Simulation of NPN Transistor Busing Visual C#.
  • PC Based Smart Home-Control
  • PC Based Auto Braking System
  • PC Based object Rejection and Counting Machine
  • PC Based Paper Cutting Machine
  • PC Based Multiple Device Switching Control
  • PC Based PNR Numbered – Auto Ticket Vending Machine
  • PC Based College Premises Position Detector
  • PC Based Time Schedule Operated Robotic Sweeper
  • PC Based 4-Bit PC to PC Parallel Port Communication
  • PC Based Wireless Electronic Meter Billing System
  • PC Based Automation for China Made Robot
  • PC Based ATM Machine
  • PC Based Antenna Position Control
  • PC Based Unmanned Petrol Pump Controller
  • PC Based Depth Sensor
  • PC Based Wireless Remote Car
  • PC Based Earth Fossil Locator
  • PC Based Voice to Text with Simultaneous LCD Display at Port
  • PC Based Earthquake Proof Building
  • PC Based Interactive Voice Response System (IVRS)
  • PC Based Shooting Game (Laser-Based)
  • PC Based Voice Operated Car
  • PC Based Overload Controller
  • PC Based Solenoid Valve Operated Liquid Stirrer
  • PC Based Lath Machine Control
  • PC Based Over Head Water Level Indication & Control
  • PC Based Fuzzy Logic System
  • PC Based Screw/Drill System
  • PC Based Virtual Trainer Kit for 8085 Microprocessor Programming
  • PC Based Simulation of NPN Transistor Biasing Using Visual C#.
  • PC Based Wireless Industrial Fault Finder
  • PC Based “SCADA” Control for Distribution Line Automation
  • PC Based Mobile Robot for Navigation

Thus, this is all about an overview of pc based project ideas for engineering students. These PC based project ideas are very helpful in selecting their final year project work for ECE as well as CSE students.

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