Experts Opinion on Application of Internet of Things (IOT) in Future

Internet of things finds applications in several fields, including electrical, medical, information technology, universal space research, and so on. To understand better about IOT, we must know about M2M, which stands for machine to machine, machine to man, man to machine, and machine to mobile connections that are used for connecting the human beings, electrical and electronic devices, and various systems intelligently.

If we consider the application of the internet of things in the electrical field, then we must know about:

A smart object that can be used for physical interfacing and computing environment based interacting with people as well as with other smart objects. RFID embedded electronic tags are being used as smart objects in several electrical applications such as RFID based attendance systems. A smart thermostat is another example of smart object which can be used for automatic remote controlling the air conditioners based on home’s heat.

A smart device is an electronic device that is being used for connecting to other electronic devices or network systems through various available protocols. Android based smartphones, tablets, etc. are examples of smart devices.

A smart grid is an advanced electrical grid that is automatically controlled based on the gathered information about the behavior of generation and consumption, such that to improve efficiency, reliability of the system. Different types of sensors, smart objects, smart devices, and internet of things are used for designing and controlling the smart grids with the application of digital signal processing and communication systems.

Expert Opinion on Application of Internet of Things in Future

U.C. Patnaik, M.Tech (Electronics) & B.Tech (Electrical)


Chief Technology OfficerPatnaik

Application of IOT is going to be making a revolution like the cell phone of the last decade. It is going to make inroads in our day to day life in all most all possible fields whether it is health, industry, home, agriculture, traffic, pollution, calamity, security, power, telecom, non conventional energy etc. to name few out of 100 odd possible areas. Embedded system (hardware + software) is going to play a major role in its development in future.

Naresh Reddy, M. Tech (ES)

Project GuideNaresh

Internet of Things (IoT) shaping human life with greater connectivity and ultimate functionality, and all this is happening through universal networking to the Internet. For example, previously the power usage was measured annually using conventional meters. Now, Internet-connected (sensor technology) smart meters measure power usage for every 15 minutes and provides feedback to the power consumer, sometimes automatically adjusting the system’s parameters. The internet of things (IOTS) will make life easy, comfortable and more efficient with the help of mobility and cloud. The Internet of Things (IoT) will merge the physical world and the virtual world to create a smart world.

Ch. Sampath Kumar, M. Tech (VLSI)

Technical Content Writersampath

Internet of things affecting human life with supreme functionality, and all this is happening through global networking to the web. Apparently, there is no limit what are frequently connected to the web. In short, we can summarize that these are going to be a lot of personal which may build life simple, snug and a lot of economical with the assistance of quality and cloud. IOT can merge the physical and virtual world to make an extremely personalized.

Viswanath Prathap, M. Tech (EPE) 

Technical Content Writervishwanath

The smart planet dream can be made true with the application of the internet of things. By using the embedded chips and sensors, the smart objects can be enhanced to “think”, “feel”, “talk”, and “interact” with each other. These objects can be enhanced to interact with human beings by utilizing the internet and mobile or other network facilities. Such that, these objects can be controlled and monitored from anywhere, anytime and utilize their intelligence services using internet of things.

I hope with the advancement in technology, in future the application of the internet of things brings a revolutionary change in electric field automation and smart planet dreams may come true.

Suresh Kumar, M. Tech (WCS)

Technical Content WriterSuresh

The “internet of things” (IOT) is the latest buzzword and technology, companies already declared it as the future of technology to make smart worlds. It is basically a M2M (machines communicating with each other or with man). Every machine is embedded with sensors and made to connect internally to a network; the trust should be developed when connecting in IOT. If every car can be inter networked and when there is heavy traffic, front car can send instructions to cars that are coming on this road to prefer better roads to not suffer in traffic roads. Doctors can monitor patient health from anywhere by taking data from the patient without presenting at patient place.

Vinod Kumar, B.Tech (EEE)

Technical Content Writer

vinodThe Internet of things is a Machine to Machine interference, human being to Machine, or robotics to Mobile. Smart phones and wireless networks are important connecting tool acting as a vital instrument in making this new technology a convention. These wireless devices are made with all the necessary wireless sensors and network technologies to stay connected with human beings. With the internet of things, smart phones, car lights, and even infrastructure use embedded chips and sensors to form a ubiquitous network.

Mohan Krishna. L, B.Tech(ECE) 

Support & Sales ExecutiveMohan

IOT is abbreviated as Internet Of Things and it is defined as “Things having identities and virtual personalities operated in smart spaces using intelligent interfaces to connect and communicate within social, environmental, and user contexts. The potentialities offered by the IOT make it possible to develop numerous applications based on it, of which only a few applications are currently establish. In future, there will be intelligent applications for smarter homes and offices, smarter transportation systems, smarter hospitals, smarter enterprises and factories. IOT can provide several advantages in Retail and supply chain management (SCM) operations.

Venu.E, M.B.A

Local Area Manager

venuThe World Wide Web has transformed into an Internet of Things (IoT) world where, everything, yes everything is or will be connected to the Internet. Furthermore, see how IoT is going to shape or change our life, business and everything around us through ubiquitous networking.Augmented Reality, Home kit, Google Glasses, NFC Payment, Beacons, and Wearables are going to change, shape and transform everything around us.

IoT Transforming Our Business:

A large portion of marketing dollars are wasted when the wrong offers are made to the wrong people at the wrong place and time… The IoT will generate an enormous, truly unprecedented amount of precise information about buyers and their needs. It’s a marketer’s dream come true.

Suvarna, M.B.A

Assistant Sales Manager

suvarnaIn the near future the Internet and wireless technologies will connect different sources of information such as sensors, mobile phones and cars in an ever tighter manner. The number of devices which connect to the Internet is – seemingly exponentially – increasing. These billions of components produce consume and process information in different environments such as logistic applications, factories and airports as well as in the work and everyday lives of people. The society need new, scalable, compatible and secure solutions for both the management of the ever more broad, complexly-networked Internet of Things, and also for the support of various business models.


Sales & Support Executive

rajiThe Internet of Things (IoT) is the interconnection of uniquely identifiable embedded computing devices within the existing Internet infrastructure. In this exploding Internet of Things (IoT), users, things and cloud services connect using the Internet to enable new use cases and new business models across multiple markets and applications. Texas Instruments is the only semiconductor company with all of the building blocks to enable the IoT, including wireless connectivity, sensors, micro controllers, processors, power management, and design software and tools. Analysts estimate that 50 billion devices will get connected to the Internet by 2020.From building and home automation to wearables, the IoT touches every facet of our lives. TI makes developing applications easier with hardware, software and support to get anything connected within the IoT.

“In the next century, planet earth will don an electronic skin. It will use the Internet as a scaffold to support and transmit its sensations.”

Niveditha, B.Tech

Support & Marketing Executive

niveditaThe Internet of Things (IoT) is the interconnection of uniquely identifiable embedded computing devices within the existing Internet infrastructure. Typically, it is expected to offer advanced connectivity of devices, systems, and services that goes beyond machine-to-machine communications (M2M) and covers a variety of protocols, domains, and applications.

 The ability to network embedded devices with limited CPU, memory and power resources means that it finds applications in nearly every field. Such systems could be in charge of collecting information in settings ranging from natural ecosystems to buildings and factories, thereby finding applications in the fields of environmental sensing and urban planning.

Samadhan Wandre

Marketing Executive

samadhanIn the near future the Internet and wireless technologies will connect different sources of information such as sensors, mobile phones and cars in an ever tighter manner. The number of devices which connect to the Internet is – seemingly exponentially – increasing. These billions of components produce, consume and process information in different environments such as logistic applications, factories and airports as well as in the work and everyday lives of people. The society needs new, scalable, compatible and secure solutions for both the management of the ever more broad, complex-networked Internet of Things, and also for the support of various business models. The aim of our Internet of Things Strategic Research Agenda is both to create a framework for study within the given field and also to clearly define the central research objectives.


Marketing Executive

dinesh2IOT be stated as to connect of devices by Human, the devices such as Smart phones, Tablet and laptops, it has to be done via some technics such as WIFI,Bluetooth. Depends on that only the electronic market established and widened the area of the globe. Innovation and technologically enhanced the IOT be the base of the electronics growth in the market.Future of IOT be so powerful  and used various sensors and advanced technologies, sources  like Artificial Intelligence Connection,sharing and transmission of data and bandwidth has to be  faster like Nano Seconds.

Mayur Tikayat

Marketing Executive

Mayur Tikayat1The convergence of connecting people, things, data and processes is transforming our life, business and everything.IoT helps human life with greater connectivity and ultimate functionality, and all this is happening through ubiquitous networking to the Internet. IoT Transforming Our Business, changing and transforming everything from business to life.

Ajay Shankar Shukla

Marketing Executive

Ajay Shanker ShuklaIn the near future the Internet and wireless technologies will connect different sources of information such as sensors, mobile phones and cars in an ever tighter manner. The number of devices which connect to the Internet is – seemingly exponentially – increasing. These billions of components produce, consume and process information in different environments such as logistic applications, factories and airports as well as in the work and everyday lives of people. The society needs new, scalable, compatible and secure solutions for both the management of the ever more broad, complex-networked Internet of Things, and also for the support of various business models.

Bhasker Singh

Marketing Executive

bhaskesingInternet in this era is almost covering each and every aspect of our life. It is helping to almost each and every person right from a new born to old aged persons. For example, it helps students in getting their studies and old aged persons the health diet articles, moreover, in many companies it is helpful in getting day to day updates of work and meetings like in our companies.Internet has almost become a necessity for us today and its necessity will go on increasing with time and more advancement in internet facilities

 Deepak Sharma

 Marketing Executive

deepak1In the near future the Internet and wireless technologies will connect different sources of information such as sensors, mobile phones and cars in an ever tighter manner. The number of devices which connect to the Internet is – seemingly exponentially – increasing. These billions of components produce, consume and process information in different environments such as logistic applications, factories and airports as well as in the work and everyday lives of people. The society needs new, scalable, compatible and secure solutions for both the management of the ever more broad, complex-networked Internet of Things, and also for the support of various business models.

Harshad Bihare

Marketing Executive

harshadThe Internet of Things (IoT) is the interconnection of uniquely identifiable embedded computing devices within the existing Internet infrastructure. Typically, IoT is expected to offer advanced connectivity of devices, systems, and services that goes beyond machine-to-machine communications (M2M) and covers a variety of protocols, domains, and applications. The interconnection of these embedded devices (including smart objects), is expected to usher in automation in nearly all fields, while also enabling advanced applications like a Smart Grid.

Things in the IoT can refer to a wide variety of devices such as heart monitoring implants, biochip transponders on farm animals, automobiles with built-in sensors, or field operation devices that assist firefighters in search and rescue. Current market examples include smart thermostat systems and washer/dryers that utilize Wi-Fi for remote monitoring.

Sonachand Pradhan

Marketing Executive

soanchandThe Internet of Things (IOT) is the interconnection of uniquely identifiable embedded computing devices within the existing Internet infrastructure. IoT systems could also be responsible for performing actions, not just sensing things. Intelligent shopping systems, for example, could monitor specific users’ purchasing habits in a store by tracking their specific mobile phones. These users could then be provided with special offers on their favorite products, or even location of items that they need, which their fridge has automatically conveyed to the phone. Additional examples of sensing and actuating are reflected in applications that deal with heat, electricity and energy management, as well as cruise-assisting transportation systems. The IOT has its many applications in the future like.

  • Environmental Monitoring
  • Infrastructure Management
  • Industrial Application
  • Energy Management
  • Medical and Healthcare Systems
  • Building and Home Automation
  • Transport Systems
  • Large Scale Deployments

Dev Desai

Marketing Executive

devdesaiThe Internet of Things, or IoT, which you probably have heard about with increasing frequency, is not a second Internet. Rather, it is a network of items—each embedded with sensors—which are connected to the Internet.The IoT’s true value lies in the data the interconnected items share. IoT might, for example, lead to improved highways, more efficiently run hospitals, and changes in how things are shipped. But to get to that next level, IoT has to overcome several obstacles. It needs more intelligent sensors that can talk to each other, as well as better and faster analysis tools to deal with the deluge of data, to say nothing of common standards. There are also societal concerns such as how to keep personal information private.

Explosion of IoT for business

Ultimately, some segments of the IoT will be more profitable than others, and those are going to be attractive targets. The biggest profit potential of the IoT may not be in the things themselves, but in the data they can provide and additional services that they can enable. Examples of such services include:-Advertising, Usage information, Cost control, Mobile security, Public safety. Thus, In a future life, IoT will affect our personal and professional life and also it will be helpful for us.

Anil Kumar

Marketing Executive

anilkumarInternet of Things (IoT): The convergence of connecting people, things, data and processes is transforming our life, business and everything.

IoT Shaping Our Life

Internet of Things (IoT) shaping human life with greater connectivity and ultimate functionality, and all this is happening through ubiquitous networking to the Internet. There is seemingly no limit what can be connected to the Internet. For example, Toilets at London’s Heathrow Airport report on their usage, Deutsche Telekom and French IT firm Medria created a collar for cows to wear; which is connected to the internet wirelessly, the pupils at Writhlington School in Somerset have used the internet of things to watch how orchids grow are a few practices around the world people are experimenting and executing in day to day life.

Arun Kumar

Marketing Executive

arunkumarThe Internet of Things (IoT) is the interconnection of uniquely identifiable embedded computing devices within the existing Internet infrastructure. Typically, IoT is expected to offer advanced connectivity of devices, systems, and services that goes beyond machine-to-machine communications (M2M) and covers a variety of protocols, domains, and applications. The interconnection of these embedded devices (including smart objects), is expected to usher in automation in nearly all fields, while also enabling advanced applications like a Smart Grid.

IOT is also called M2M, stands for Machine to Machine, Machine to Man, Man to Machine, or Machine to Mobile, the Internet of Things intelligently connects humans, devices, and systems. Considered as another IT wave following computers, the Internet, and mobile communications, it represents the pinnacle of our current ICT ambitions.

Alok Kumar

Marketing Executive

alok“Internet of Things” (IoT) represents a transformative shift for the economy, similar to the introduction of the PC itself. It incorporates other major technology industry trends such as cloud computing, data analytics, and mobile communications, but goes beyond them. Unlike earlier efforts to track and control large systems, such as radio-frequency identification (RFID), the Internet connection gives this shift almost limitless versatility. The IoT also opens a range of new business opportunities for a variety of players. These opportunities tend to fall into three broad strategic categories, each reflecting a different type of enterprise


Marketing Executive

alengovanInternet of things is most useful for connecting the people. It is Easy to spread  the online electronic marketing. The IoT can assist in integration of communications, control, and information processing across various transportation systems. Application of the IoT extends to all aspects of transportation systems, i.e. the vehicle, the infrastructure, and the driver or user. Dynamic interaction between these components of a transport system enables inter and intra vehicular communication, smart traffic control, smart parking, electronic toll collection systems, logistic and fleet management, vehicle control, and safety and road assistance.