Artificial Intelligence (AI) Seminar Topics for Engineering Students

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a method used to make a computer or computer-controlled robot think cleverly like the human mind, so that a machine can perform different human tasks very efficiently & also finds a better solution than human minds. Artificial Intelligence is accomplished through studying human brain patterns & also by examining the cognitive procedure. The result of all these studies will develop intelligent software & systems. At present, AI has made still numerous advancements by conducting a lot of research in nearly all fields of Artificial Intelligence like Healthcare, Quantum Computing, Autonomous Vehicles, Robotics, the Internet of Things, etc. So keeping this in mind, here are a list of Artificial Intelligence seminar topics along with a short introduction.

Artificial Intelligence Seminar Topics

The artificial intelligence seminar topics are discussed below.

Artificial Intelligence Seminar Topics
Artificial Intelligence Seminar Topics

Deep Learning

The subset of Machine Learning (ML) is Deep Learning which learns by imitating the inside human brain working to process data & execute decisions depending on that data. Generally, deep learning utilizes AI networks to execute machine learning. These neural networks (NNs) are simply connected like the networks within the human brain structure so that they are capable of processing data in a nonlinear approach which is a main benefit above traditional algorithms that can simply process data within a linear approach. The RankBrain algorithm is the best example of a deep neural network and it is one of the them within the algorithm of Google Search.

Deep Learning
    Deep Learning

AI Chatbot

A chatbot is one type of computer program that employs an AI (artificial intelligence) & NLP (natural language processing) to know customer questions & automate replies to them. These chatbots are trained to have conversations like humans with a method called natural language processing.

AI Chat Bot
                       AI Chat Bot

The AI chatbot is capable of understanding human language like it is printed, which allows them to operate less or more on its own. The software of the AI chatbot can recognize language outside of pre-programmed instructions & gives a response depending on existing data. So this allows site visitors to guide the chat, voicing their intention in their own words. This can be used for a wide range of uses like analyzing the feelings of a customer or making predictions regarding what a visitor of the site is searching for on your website.

Housing Price Prediction

The main concept of this system is to guess the selling value of a new home. This system dataset mainly includes information regarding new house prices in different places in the city. Apart from the various prices of homes, you will find extra datasets which include the resident’s age, the offense rate within the city & non-retail business locations. So, it is a great system for beginners for testing their knowledge.

Housing Price Prediction
Housing Price Prediction

Machine Learning

The application of an AI or artificial intelligence is known as Machine learning which allows the applications to guess precise outcomes without requiring accurate commands for every step. This procedure begins by feeding them good quality data and after that training the machines through building a variety of machine learning models with the data & various algorithms. Here, the selection of algorithms mainly depends on the type of data that we have & type of task we are attempting to automate. Machine learning algorithms are classified into three types – supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement.

Machine Learning
               Machine Learning

Reinforcement Learning

Reinforcement learning is a part of AI where the machine learns something related to how humans learn. This is one of three fundamental machine learning paradigms along with supervised & unsupervised learning. Reinforcement learning is about taking appropriate actions to maximize reward within a particular condition. It is used by different software & machines to discover the best possible actions or path it must take in a particular condition.

Reinforcement Learning
Reinforcement Learning

Reinforcement learning collects data from machine learning systems that utilize a trial & error technique. Here, data is not an element of the input that we would discover within supervised or unsupervised machine learning. RL utilizes different algorithms that learn from outcomes & decide which action needs to take subsequently. After every action, the algorithm gets feedback that assists in determining whether the selection it made was right, neutral otherwise incorrect. It is an excellent method to utilize for automated systems that have to make lots of small decisions without the guidance of humans.

Customer Recommendation

An artificial intelligence (AI) customer recommendation system is a group of machine learning algorithms utilized by developers to expect choices & offer related suggestions to users. By using the data science & the data of users, customer recommendation systems within AI filter & recommend the most appropriate items to a particular user. E-commerce has significantly benefitted from artificial intelligence. The best example of this is Amazon & its customer recommendation system. This system has helped the platform in improving its income extremely for a good customer experience. For an E-commerce platform, you can design a customer recommendation system and utilize the customer’s browsing history for your data.

Customer Recommendation
Customer Recommendation

Virtual Assistant for Windows based on Voice

Voice-based virtual assistant for windows is a handy tool mainly used for simplifying daily tasks. For example, you can utilize virtual voice assistants for many purposes like looking for many items or services on the Web, for shopping different products, writing notes & setting reminders, etc. This system is particularly designed for Windows, so the user of Windows can utilize this assistant to open any type of application they need through open voice command and also we can write significant messages with write voice command. So it will recognize the intention of users from the voice command & accordingly it performs the actions.

Virtual Assistant for Windows
Virtual Assistant for Windows

Prediction of Stock Price

The prediction of the stock price is one of the outstanding AI (Artificial Intelligence) seminar topics for beginners. The experts of machine learning love the share market because it is simply filled with data. So, you can obtain different types of data sets & begin working on this topic immediately. Students who are preparing to work within the finance area would love this concept because it assists them to get a huge insight into different segments of the same. The stock market’s feedback cycles are also short, thus it aids in verifying your predictions. You can try to expect six-month stock price movements with the data you obtain from the reports provided by organizations in this AI system.

Prediction of Stock Price
Prediction of Stock Price

Recommender Systems

Recommender systems are used in Netflix to get advice on movies & series depending on your previous choices. So this system provides you some assistance on what to select further from huge choices obtainable online. A recommender system depends on collaborative filtering or recommendation based on content. The recommendation based on content can be done by simply examining all the item’s content. For instance, you can be suggested books based on natural language processing completed on the books. Alternatively, collaborative filtering can be done by simply examining your previous reading behavior & after that suggesting books depending on that.

Recommender Systems
Recommender Systems

Recognition & Detection of Facial Emotion

The facial emotion detection & recognition system is one of the trending AI-based systems. This system is mainly designed to recognize & read the expressions of human facial. In real-time, this system helps in detecting the human core emotions like anger, happiness, afraid, sadness, surprise, neutral & disgust. Firstly, this recognition system detects the expressions of facial from a cluttered sight to perform extraction of facial features & classification of facial expressions.

Recognition & Detection of Facial Emotion
Recognition & Detection of Facial Emotion

The unique feature of this facial emotion recognition & detection system is that it can observe the emotions of humans, distinguish between high-quality, bad emotions and tag them suitably. So, it can also utilize the information of tagged emotion to recognize the thinking patterns & a person’s behavior.

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

It is very clear that humans can communicate through each other by speech however now machines can also perform too which is known as NLP or Natural Language Processing. This is used by devices to analyze, recognize language and speech as it is spoken. There are various subparts of Natural Language Processing that deal with language like speech recognition, translation of natural language, generation of natural language, etc.

Natural Language Processing
                Natural Language Processing

At present, NLP is very famous for customer support applications, mainly the chatbot that uses NLP & ML to communicate with consumers in text form & also crack their queries. Thus you obtain the human touch within customer support interactions without interacting directly with a human.

Prediction of Heart Disease

Heart disease prediction is very helpful in the medical field because it is mainly designed for providing online medical consultation & guidance to patients who are suffering from heart disease. Patients complain frequently that they cannot find the best doctors to support their medical requirements. So, the prediction application of heart disease will assist you to overcome this issue.

Prediction of Heart Disease
             Prediction of Heart Disease

This is an online application used to allow users to get immediate entrée to the consultation & services of expert medical professionals for heart-related diseases. So users can mention and share their heart-related problems over the online portal. After that, this system will process that data to verify the database of different possible illnesses associated with those particular details. This system lets users check different doctors’ details also.

Banking Bot

The banking bot is a brilliant AI topic used to examine the queries of users to recognize their messages & perform suitable actions accordingly. This AI-based application is used specifically for banks wherever users can inquire for bank-related queries like loans, credit cards, accounts, etc.

Banking Bot
                                      Banking Bot

This is an Android-based application. So, similar to a chatbot, these applications are simply trained for processing the queries or requests of users & understand what information or services they are searching for. This banking bot will converse with users. So, the banking bot can respond to the questions asked by users if necessary, even rise problems for human executives.

Computer Vision

The internet is full of images, so every day billions of images are uploaded & viewed each day. So it is important that computers can observe & recognize images through Computer Vision which utilizes AI to remove data from images. This data can be object recognition within the image, image content identification to group a variety of images jointly, etc.

Computer Vision
Computer Vision

Smart Logistics & Supply Chain

Artificial intelligence (AI) powered strategies like smart logistics are used when businesses maintain by their scaling & overgrowing demands. So this allows different companies to obtain an imagined location for navigating the supply chain better & optimize operations. They can also handle the services & goods in real-time.

Smart Logistics & Supply Chain
           Smart Logistics & Supply Chain

Metaverse Technology

Metaverse technology is a spatial computing platform used to provide digital experiences with its key civilizational aspects such as social interactions, trade, currency, economy & property ownership. The Metaverse technology is based on AR (integration of augmented reality) and VR (virtual reality) which allows multimodal interactions through virtual settings, digital products & people. Thus, this technology is a networked web of immersive & sociable multiuser permanent platforms. Metaverse mainly includes seven layers – experience, creator economies, discovery, spatial computing, human interference, infrastructure & decentralization. Examples of Metaverse platforms are; the Sandbox, Decentraland, Metahero, Bloktopia & Meta Horizon Worlds.

Metaverse Technology
Metaverse Technology


Hyperautomation is a disciplined and business-driven approach that organizations used to identify rapidly, check & automate like many IT processes & businesses. Hyperautomation uses many technologies, platforms, or tools like artificial intelligence, robotic process automation, machine learning, business process management, event-driven software architecture, integration platform as a service, intelligent business process management suites, packaged software, low-code or no-code tools& other kinds of process, task & decision automation tools.


Edge AI

The combination of Edge Computing & Artificial Intelligence is known as Edge AI. In Edge AI, edge computing brings computation & data storage nearer to the device location. Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms simply process the data that is formed on the device through or without an internet connection. Edge AI system utilizes Machine Learning (ML) algorithms for data processing which is generated through a hardware device.

Edge AI
                          Edge AI

The machine learning algorithms in Edge AI systems run on existing CPUs or even less capable MCUs within edge devices. As compared to other applications which use extremely efficient AI chips, Edge AI gives superior performance and also reduces power consumption.

3D Bioprinting

3D bioprinting is one type of technology where bio-inks, mixed with living cells are simply printed in 3D to make normal tissue such as 3D structures. At present, this technology is mainly utilized in different research areas like the development of new drugs & tissue engineering. This additive manufacturing procedure utilizes bio-inks for printing developing structures of living cells layer-by-layer so that it imitates the performance & arrangements of natural tissues.

3D Bioprinting
                  3D Bioprinting

This technology & bio-printed structures allow researchers to study the human body functions in vitro. Three-dimensional bioprinted structures are relevant biologically as compared to vitro studies performed within 2D. Generally, 3D bioprinting is used mainly for numerous biological applications in different fields like bioengineering, tissue engineering & materials science. In addition, this technology can also be used for drug validation and pharmaceutical development. Currently, clinical settings like bone grafts, 3D printed skin, implants & complete 3D printed organs are at the bioprinting research center.

Some More Artificial Intelligence Seminar Topics

The list of Artificial Intelligence seminar topics is given below.

  • Autonomous Vehicles.
  • Robot Learning.
  • Feedforward NN (neural networks).
  • Pervasive Computing.
  • Computational Intelligence.
  • Machine Ethics.
  • Semantic Web.
  • Synapses.
  • Software agents.
  • Support vector machines.
  • Prediction theory.
  • Decision & Expert Systems.
  • Minimax Techniques.
  • Data Mining.
  • Measurement Uncertainty.
  • Posthuman.
  • Expert Systems.
  • Neuro-controllers.
  • Radial basis function networks.
  • Generative Adversarial Networks.
  • Independent component analysis.
  • Causal Inference & Learning.
  • Computer Vision & Perception.
  • Game Playing & Search.
  • Game Theory.
  • Learning on Graphs.
  • Machine Learning.
  • Mathematical Optimization & Statistics.
  • Neurobiology & Information Theory.

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Thus, this is an overview of Artificial Intelligence Seminar Topics or AI seminar topics for engineering students. These seminar topics are suggested for engineering students to update them on different technologies. Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology is used to make a computer very intelligent to think & behave like a human brain. So that machines can perform human tasks very efficiently & also finds better solutions. These machines are mostly used for complex & repetitive human tasks. AI helps machines to learn, think & improve the performance of their work like human beings. Here is a question for you, what is robotics?