Differences between Lap Winding and Wave Winding

The rotating machine which has an essential part which is known as armature winding. The energy conservation can take place in this winding by converting the mechanical energy into electrical energy, as well as the electrical energy into mechanical energy. Armature winding is classified into two types namely lap winding as well as wave winding. The main difference between these two is, in the lap winding,  One of the major difference between them is that in a lap winding, the last part of every coil is associated with the nearby sector while in the wave winding the last part of armature coil is associated with the commutator sector at a distance apart. This article discusses an overview of the main differences between the lap winding and wave winding.

Lap Winding Definition

Lap Winding is one type of winding with two layers, and it is used in electric machines. Every coil in the machine is allied in series with the one nearby coil to it. The applications of lap winding mainly include low voltage as well as high current machines.

Lap Winding
Lap Winding

These windings are mainly linked for providing numerous parallel lanes for armature current. Due to this reason, this type of winding is used in dc generators, and it requires some pairs of brushes and poles. In this type of winding, the final end of the first coil is associated with a commutator section and to the first end of the closest coil is located beneath the similar pole till every coil have been associated.

Wave Winding Definition

In wave winding,  one end part of the coil is allied to the beginning end part of another coil which has a similar polarity like the first coil. These coils are allied in the waveform and thus it is named as wave winding. The conductor of this winding is divided into two parallel lanes, & every lane had Z/2 conductors which are connected in series. The amount of brushes is equivalent to 2, that is the digit of parallel paths.

Wave Winding
Wave Winding

Difference between Lap Winding and Wave Winding

The difference between lap winding and wave winding mainly includes lap winding definition, wave winding definition, the difference between lap and wave winding.

Lap Winding

Wave Winding

The lap winding can be defined as a coil which can be lap back toward the succeeding coil. The wave winding can be defined as the loop of the winding can form the signal shape.
The connection of the lap winding is, the armature coil end is connected to the nearby section on the commutators. The connection of the wave winding is, the armature coil end is connected to commutator sections at some distance apart.
The numbers of the parallel path are equal to the total of number poles. The number of parallel paths is equal to two.
Another name of lap winding is multiple winding otherwise Parallel Winding Another name of wave winding is Series Winding otherwise Two-circuit
The e.m.f of lap winding is Less The e.m.f of wave winding is More
The no. of brushes in lap winding is Equivalent to the no. of parallel paths. The no. of brushes in wave winding is Equivalent toTwo
The types of lap winding are Simplex lap winding & Duplex lap winding. The types of wave winding are Progressive & Retrogressive
The efficiency of the lap winding is Less The efficiency of the wave winding is High
The additional coil used in the lap winding is Equalizer Ring The additional coil used in the wave winding is Dummy coil
The winding cost of the lap winding is High The winding cost of the wave winding is Low
The lap winding used for high current, low voltage machines.  The applications of wave winding include low current and high voltage machines.

Key Differences between Lap Winding and Wave Winding

The Key Differences between Lap Winding and Wave Winding include the following.

  • In lap winding, the coil end is allied to the nearby commutator section, while in the wave winding the armature end coil is located within the commutator section which is located separately.
  • The lap winding emf is less when compared with wave winding.
  • The cost of winding in the lap winding is expensive than the wave winding due to more conductor.
  • The lap winding needs an equalizer for the improved commutation whereas the wave winding needs the replica coil to provide the mechanical stability toward the armature.
  • The other name of the parallel winding is lap winding because the connection of the lap winding is parallel. Similarly, the wave is also known as series winding because of the series connection.
  • In lap winding, the amount of parallel lanes is equivalent to the entire number of poles of the coil whereas in the wave winding the number of parallel lanes is constantly equivalent to two.
  • The amount of brushes in lap winding is equivalent to the number of parallel lanes whereas the amount of brushes in wave winding is equivalent to two.
  • The lap winding efficiency is low when compared with wave winding.

Thus, this is all about the main difference between lap winding and wave winding. From the above information finally, we can conclude that the applications of lap winding include high current, low voltage machines whereas the applications of wave winding include low current, high voltage machines. Here is a question for you, what are the advantages of lap winding over wave winding?

Image Credit: Nptel