Embedded Systems Role in Automobiles

Nowadays, embedded systems role in automobiles has been increased. We know that automobile industries mainly manufacture cars, bikes, buses, etc. In India, if we look back into the past two decades, only rich people have their own cars but now there are a lot of automobile users are increasing rapidly in the country due to there are many automobile industries available. But in the present situation, ordinary peoples are also showing a lot of interest to buy automobiles due to an Indian government. In the year 1968, Volkswagen has invented the application of an embedded system in the automobile. The embedded systems used in automobiles mainly include security, audio systems, and ignition. So this can make the car safer, energy-efficient, and network savvy.

Embedded Systems Role in Automobiles

An embedded system plays a key role in automobiles due to its flexibility as well as versatility. The electronics revolution has controlled within the design of automobiles like the fuel ignition, protection of power train crash, etc. An embedded system used in automobiles can assist in pollution control, system monitoring, etc.

At present, the microcontrollers used in automobiles mainly depend on the vehicle. For example, a normal vehicle includes around 25 -35 whereas some luxury vehicles include 60 – 70 microcontrollers. Please refer to this link to know more; Different types of microcontrollers used in automobiles

Types of Embedded Systems Role in Automobiles

The different types of embedded systems role in automobiles mainly include the following.

  • Airbags
  • Anti-lock braking system
  • Black box
  • Adaptive cruise control
  • Drive through wire
  • Satellite radio
  • Telematics
  • Emission control
  • Traction control
  • Automatic parking
  • In-vehicle entertainment systems
  • Night vision
  • Heads up display
  • Back up collision sensors
  • Navigational systems
  • Tire pressure monitor
  • Climate control

Some of the above are discussed below.

Anti Lock Braking System

The main function of this system in automobiles is to avoid the cars from slipping particularly in a smooth road. This braking system gives support to wheels for better contact from the road. It can be built with sensors, a controller, speed, pump, valves for tracking.


An ECU is used in the system which is known as the electronic control unit. The main purpose of this is to monitor the movement of the vehicle wheels. If the speed of the wheel goes slow then the sensor sends a single to valves to decrease the pressure of the brake then the wheel moves faster. In contrast, if the wheel of the vehicle moves faster, then the pressure of the wheel can be increased so the wheel can moves slow.

Navigation Systems

A navigation system used in automobiles mainly gains broad popularity. The designing of these systems can be done with special functions to assist an ordinary man. The signals which are received by these systems can be received from the satellites & permits to know the vehicle’s direction as well position.

The navigation system can be built with Sensor, Map database, Screen, GPS receiver, Navigation computer, and antenna.
Drive through Wire

The drive through wire system assists to restore the mechanical systems within automobiles through electronic systems with the help of HMI & actuators. Automobile components which include belts, pumps, steering column, coolers, master cylinders, vacuum servos, intermediate shafts, hoses are eliminated.

Adaptive Cruise Control

The best example of this is an autonomous car which is known as a driverless car. It is possible only with embedded systems used in automobiles. At present, it is extensively used within automobiles to building the smallest distance among vehicles on heavy traffic on highways. As the traffic jam goes down, then this system will help in modifying the vehicle’s speed by using a braking system.

Every automobile includes the adaptive cruise control and it includes radar which works as a transceiver and it is fixed on it to identify the speed as well as the distance of the vehicles within the lane. The computer connected by the ACC unit assists to manage brake & choke of the automobile.

Airbag Control System

Generally, these are designed for increasing within the cases of front blows in automobiles. Whenever the crash method occurs, then an electric current will be sent toward the ignition system. The filament will get heat from the electric current & thus lights the tablet to produce the gas. Whenever the gas increases, then the airbag also gets inflate within a 0.1-sec time limit.

Automatic Parking System

This system is an autonomous car manipulation system, used to move a vehicle from traffic path into a parking area to achieve the perpendicular parking, parallel parking, and angle parking. The proposed system uses several methods for detecting objects in the region of a car. The sensors used in this system are fixed on the front side of the vehicle & a rear bumper performs like both a Tx & Rx.

These sensors transmit a signal once it meets an obstacle around the vehicle, then the computer will get the time signal & bumper will utilize the radar to fix on the obstacle position. The vehicle will notice the parking area & space from the roadside after that drive the vehicle into the parking area.

Main Industries that Offers Automobile Components

Many companies offer automobile electronics which include the following.


Atmel offers different controllers to use in automobiles such as 8051 & ARM. The main products manufactured by Atmel mainly include most of the electronics, security, safety; automobile products.

Texas Instruments

Texas instruments or TI offers different types of controllers, DSPs, automotive control chips for the automobile industry.


Xilinx offers various FPGAs, CPLDs, & other application-based cores for navigation system growth & adaptive sail control, etc. Some other automobile industries are Silicon (Si) providers, NEC, Analog, NxP devices, Renesas, etc.

Thus, this is all about Embedded Systems Role in Automobiles. The modern embedded systems have marked a revolutionary change in every aspect of the automobile while designing and manufacturing processes due to their adaptability and flexibility. Now the question is: Have you got the basic concept of embedded systems in automobiles? If you have got some basic understanding of this concept with a little bit of doubt on this topic, you can give your feedback and suggestions in the comment section below, and let us know how would you like to get some help or assistance from us.