Nano Plug – Worlds Smallest Hearing Aid

Nowadays, there are many peoples are suffering from hearing loss and some peoples losing their hearing capability in the early age. Due to this reason one needs to wear hearing aids. But, hearing aids are huge in size as well as embarrassing. Most of the people are aware about the way they look, if we need to wear hearing aids, also we need it in the exact style and color. Because that factor has a huge effect on our daily lives. Therefore, taking care of that and eliminating the hearing aid, Nanoplug hearing aid is designed for the people who lost their hearing capability and who are nervous to wear big hearing aids in public.Please follow the below link for Nano wire applications and advantages

Nano Plug
Nano Plug

Nano Plug Hearing Aid

The nano plug hearing aid was worlds smallest hearing aid, that was designed by an international research team.The concept of this was first considered by Nevena “Zivic” and then brought to implementation by industrial designer “Jongha Lee”, Electromechanical engineer “Zoran Marinovi” and. Audio engineer “Mladen Stavri”.

Nano Plug Hearing Aid
Nano Plug Hearing Aid

The Nanoplug is so small in size and that it is almost unnoticeable. The designing of this nano plug hearing aid was supported through Indiegogo, is a crowd funding platform. The development of the nano plug hearing aid was made possible by Nanotechnology, most particularly by the US Photonics Endure nano battery that is very small in size like a grain of sand and it gives one week backup.

Nano Plug Hearing Aid Working

Coming to the working of a nano plug hearing aid, it comprises of three basic parts, namely microchip, microphone and receiver. The main functions of these parts are; microchip collects the sound from the atmosphere. The received sound is changed into digital code using a microchip

Components of Nano Plug
Components of Nano Plug

After examining the digital code, changes are made based on the hearing loss and the sound levels in the atmosphere. This hearing aid includes a rechargeable nano battery along with micro-components. This battery contains no heavy metals and no toxic chemicals and gives immediate recharge. The tip of the Nanoplug is available in three dissimilar sizes such as small, medium & big. So any person like child, adult or college student can wear and use it without any problem. This hearing aid is more powerful than other devices and it is invisible when fitted in the ear. So no one can notice this device except you. The innovative hearing aid, Nano plug is available with four personalized settings that you can modify by just beating on your ear while nano plug is in your ear.

Nano Plug Hearing Aid Working
Nano Plug Hearing Aid Working

The Nanoplug device comes with Acous –Tap technology that lets you to arrange the hearing aid device as per your requirement. Basically, this plug follows the simple rule to make the normal room sound louder and shout so that one can hear easily in a noisy room. When you buy the nano plug hearing aid, it comes in a single kit that includes of the hearing aid, connector cable, software plus programmer, double sided standard USB cables, five silicone tips in 3 variety sizes & one removal tool. The silicone tip is placed before inserting of Nano plug for a standard grip inside the ear. One can use the Nanoplug hearing aid even while taking on the phone, there is no need to remove the hearing aid when on the phone.


Features of Hearing Aid Nano Plug

  • Hearing aid nano plug comprises of a small battery and micro components
  • The cost of the hearing aid nano plug is less, less noticeable and less intrusive.
  • The dimensions of the Nano plug are 7.1mm x 5.7mm x 4.17mm, which is half size of the grain.
  • Worldwide researchers are invented that the battery of the hearing aid nano plug has no toxic chemicals inside
  • The hearing aid Nano plug is programmed using running software on a computer, the results can be can be downloaded through a cable to the device.
  • The shape of the Nanoplug is rectangular, it is located inside a mushroom shaped cover which permits to ease in keeping the hearing device steadily in place.
  • The hearing aid can be removed by using a provided tool
  • This Nano plug doesn’t totally cover the ear canal

The programming features of the hearing aid nano plug are inbuilt with a program, very simple to set up, user interfacing is simple, adjustable anywhere at any time and graphic equalizer.

Thus, this is all about Nano plug hearing aid, working of the latest hearing aid, working of hearing aid and its features. We believe that you have got a better understanding of this concept. Furthermore, any doubts regarding this concept or Nanotechnology, please give your feedback by commenting in the comment section below.Here is a question for you, what are the types of hearing aids?

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