Optical Communication Systems Seminar Topics for Engineering Stundents

Optical communication is one type of communication where optical fiber is mainly used for carrying the light signal to the remote end in place of electrical current. The basic building blocks of this system mainly include a modulator or demodulator, a transmitter or a receiver, a light signal & a transparent channel. Optical communication system transmits data optically using optical fibers. So this process can be done by simply changing the electronic signals to light pulses using laser or LED light sources. As compared to electrical transmission, optical fibers have mostly replaced copper wire communications within core networks due to many benefits like high bandwidth, transmission range is huge, very low loss & no electromagnetic interference. This article lists optical communication systems seminar topics for engineering students.

Optical Communication Systems Seminar Topics

The list of optical communication system seminar topics for engineering students is discussed below.

Optical Communication Systems Seminar Topics
Optical Communication Systems Seminar Topics

Optical Coherence Tomography

Optical coherence tomography is a non-invasive imaging test that uses light signals to capture side-view pictures of your retina. By using this OCT, an ophthalmologist can notice distinctive layers of the retina so that he can map & measure their width for diagnosis. Retinal diseases mainly include age-related macular degeneration & diabetic eye disease. OCT is frequently used to estimate optic nerve disorders.

Optical coherence tomography mainly depends on light waves and it cannot be utilized through conditions that interfere with light passing throughout the eye. The OCT is very helpful in diagnosing different eye conditions like a macular hole, macular edema, macular pucker, glaucoma, vitreous traction, diabetic retinopathy, central serous retinopathy, etc.

Optical Coherence Tomography
Optical Coherence Tomography

Optical Burst Switching

Optical Burst Switching or OBS is an optical network technology used to enhance the utilization of optical network resources as compared to OCS or optical circuit switching. This kind of switching is implemented through WDM (Wavelength Division Multiplexing) and a data transmission technology where it transmits data through an optical fiber by establishing numerous channels where every channel corresponds to a particular light wavelength. OBS is applicable within core networks. This switching technique mainly combines the advantages of optical circuit switching & optical packet switching while avoiding their particular faults.

Optical Burst Switching
Optical Burst Switching

Visible Light Communication

Visible Light Communication (VLC) is a communication technique wherever visible light with a particular range of frequency is utilized as the communication medium. So, the frequency range of visible light ranges from 400 – 800 THz. This communication works under the theory of transmission of data by means of light rays to transmit & receive messages within a specified distance. The characteristics of visible light communication mainly include signal confinement, Non-line of sight, and security in dangerous situations.

Visible Light Communication
Visible Light Communication

Free-Space Optical Communication

Free-space optical communication is an optical communication technology that utilizes light propagating in free space to transmit data wirelessly for computer networking or telecommunications. This communication technology is very helpful wherever physical connections are not practical because of high costs. Free space optical communication uses invisible light beams to provide high-speed wireless connections that can transmit & receive video, voice, etc.

FSO technology uses light similar to optical transmissions with the fiber-optic cable but the main difference is the medium. Here, light travels faster throughout the air as compared to through glass, thus it is fair to categorize FSO technology like optical communications at light speed.

Free-Space Optical Communication
Free-Space Optical Communication

3D Optical Network-on-Chip

Optical network on chip provides high bandwidth & low latency with lower power dissipation significantly. A 3D optical network on the chip is mainly developed with optical router architecture like the basic unit. This router completely uses the dimension order routing properties within 3D mesh networks & decrease the number of microresonators necessary for optical network on chips.

We evaluated the router’s loss property with four other schemes. So, the results will show that the router gets the low loss for the highest path within the network with a similar size. The 3D optical network on the chip is compared to its 2D counterpart in three aspects like latency, energy & throughput. The comparison of power utilization through electronic & 2D counterparts proves that 3D ONoC can save about 79.9% energy as compared to electronic one and 24.3% energy as compared to the 2D ONoC which all includes 512 IP cores. The 3D mesh ONoC network performance simulation can be carried out through OPNET in different configurations. So the results will show the improved performance above the 2D ONoC.

3D Optical Network-on-Chip
3D Optical Network-on-Chip

Microstructured Optical Fibers

Microstructure Optical Fibers are new types of optical fibers which have internal structure as well as light-guiding properties that are different significantly as compared to conventional optical fibers. Microstructured optical fibers are normally silica optical fibers where air holes are set up within the cladding area & expand in the axial path of the fiber. These fibers are available in different sizes, shapes & air-holes distributions. Recent interest in these fibers has been generated through potential applications within optical communications; optical fiber-based sensing, frequency metrology & optical coherence tomography.

Microstructured Optical Fibers
Microstructured Optical Fibers

Underwater Wireless Optical Communication

Underwater wireless optical communication (UWOC) is the transmission of data with wireless channels using optical waves as a transmission medium underwater. This optical communication has higher communication frequency & much higher data rates at less latency levels as compared to RF as well as acoustic counterparts. Because of this data transfer with high-speed benefit, this type of communication has been extremely attractive. In UWOC systems, various applications have been proposed to guard the environment, emergency alerts, military operations, underwater exploration, etc. But, underwater channels also experience severe absorption & dispersion.

Underwater Wireless Optical Communication
Underwater Wireless Optical Communication

Optical CDMA

Optical code-division multiple access combines the large bandwidth of the fiber medium through the flexibility of the CDMA method to attain high-speed connectivity. OCDMA is a wireless multi-user network that includes a transmitter and receiver. In this network, an OOC or optical orthogonal code is allocated to every transmitter & receiver for connecting to its equivalent OOC user & after synchronization between two equivalent OOC users, they can transmit or receive the data from each other. The main advantage of OCDMA is, it handles a finite bandwidth between a large number of users. It operates asynchronously without collisions of packets.

Optical CDMA
Optical CDMA

EDFA System with WDM

Wavelength-division multiplexing is a technology through which various optical channels can be simultaneously transmitted at different wavelengths over a particular optical fiber. Optical network with WDM is extensively used in current telecommunication infrastructures. So it plays a significant role in future-generation networks. Wavelength division multiplexing techniques merged with EDFA enhance the light wave transmission capacity which provides high capacity & enhances optical network technology flexibility. So in an optical communication system, EDFA plays a significant role.

EDFA System with WDM
EDFA System with WDM

Spatial Division Multiplexing Systems

Spatial division multiplexing/space-division multiplexing is abbreviated as SDM or SM or SMX. This is a multiplexing system in different communication technologies like fiber-optic communication, and MIMO wireless communication which is used for transmitting independent channels divided within space.

Spatial Division Multiplexing for optical fiber communication is very useful to overcome the capacity limit of WDM. This multiplexing technique increases the spectral efficiency for each fiber by multiplexing the signals in orthogonal LP modes within FMG (few-mode fibers & multi-core fibers. In this multiplexing system, the mode MUX (multiplexer)/DEMUX (demultiplexer) is a primary component as it simply equalizes the mode-dependent loss, compensates for differential mode delays & is used to build transceivers.

Spatial Division Multiplexing Systems
Spatial Division Multiplexing Systems


SONET stands for Synchronous Optical Network is a communication protocol, developed by Bellcore. SONET is mainly used for transmitting a huge amount of data above relatively large distances through an optical fiber. By using SONET, various digital data streams are transmitted over the optical fiber simultaneously. SONET mainly comprises four functional layers; path layer, line, section, and photonic layer.

The path layer is mainly responsible for the movement of the signal from its optical source to its destination. The line layer is responsible for the signal movement across a physical line. The section layer is responsible for the signal movement across a physical section and the Photonic layer communicates with the physical layer in the OSI model. The advantages of SONET are; data rates are high, bandwidth is large, low electromagnetic interference, and large distance data transmission.


Photonics Technology

The branch of optics is known as photonics which involves the application of guiding, generating, amplifying detecting & manipulating light in photon form through transmission, emission, signal processing, modulation, switching, sensing & amplification. A few examples of photonics are optical fibers, lasers, phone cameras & screens, computer screens, optical tweezers, lighting within cars, TVs, etc.

Photonics plays a significant role in different fields from lighting & displays to the manufacturing sector, optical data communications to imaging, health care, life sciences, security, etc. Photonics provides new & unique solutions wherever conventional technologies at present are approaching their limits in terms of accuracy, speed & capacity.

Photonics Technology
Photonics Technology

Wavelength Routing Network

The wavelength-routing network is a scalable optical network that allows the reprocessing of wavelengths in various elements of transparent optical networks to conquer some of the confines of a limited number of existing wavelengths. The wavelength routing network can be constructed by using various WDM links by connecting them at a node through a switching subsystem. Using such nodes interconnected through fibers, different networks with large & complex topologies can be developed. These networks provide large capacities through transparent optical lanes that do not experience optical to electronic-conversion.

Wavelength Routing Network
Wavelength Routing Network

Adaptive Eye Gaze Tracking System

The device that is used to track gaze by analyzing the movements of the eye is known as a gaze tracker. Eye gaze tracking system is used to estimate as well as track the person’s 3D line of sight and also where a person is looking. This system works simply by transmitting near IR light and light is reflected within your eyes. So these reflections are received by the cameras of the eye tracker so that the eye tracker system will know where you are looking. This system is very helpful in observing & also measuring movements of the eye, point of gaze, pupil dilation & eye blinking to observe.

Adaptive Eye Gaze Tracking System
Adaptive Eye Gaze Tracking System

Intensity Modulation in Optical Communication

The intensity modulation in optical communication is a type of modulation where the optical power o/p of a source is changed in accordance with some modulating signal characteristics like the information-bearing signal or the baseband signal. In this type of modulation, there is no lower & discrete upper sidebands. But, an optical source output has a spectral width. The modulated optical signal’s envelope is an analog of the modulating signal in that the instant envelope power is an analog of the characteristic of interest within the modulating signal.

Intensity Modulation in Optical Communication
Intensity Modulation in Optical Communication

Optical Wireless Communication

Optical wireless communication is a type of optical communication where infrared, unguided visible, or ultraviolet light is utilized for carrying a signal. Generally, it is utilized in short-range communication. When an optical wireless communication system operates in the 390 to 750 nm visible band range, it is known as visible light communication. These systems are used in a wide range of applications like WLANS, WPANs & vehicular networks. Alternatively, terrestrial point-to-point OWC systems called free-space optical systems which operate at near-infrared frequencies like 750 to 1600 nm.

Optical Wireless Communication
Optical Wireless Communication

Visual MIMO

Optical communication system like Visual MIMO is derived from MIMO, wherever the multiple transmitter multiple receiver model has been adopted for the light within the visible & non-visible spectrum. So in Visual MIMO, an electronic visual display or LED serves as the transmitter whereas a camera serves as the receiver.

Visual MIMO
Visual MIMO

Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing

An optical fiber multiplexing technology like Dense wavelength-division multiplexing (DWDM) is used to enhance the fiber network’s bandwidth. It merges data signals from various sources above a single pair of optical fiber cables while maintaining total separation of data streams. DWDM handles higher speed protocols equal to 100 Gbps for each channel. Every channel is simply 0.8nm apart. This multiplexing simply works the same as CWDM but in addition to the channel capacity improvement, it can also be amplified to very long distances.

Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing
Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing

Optical Packet Switching

Optical packet switching simply allows the transfer of packet signals within the optical domain based on packet-by-packet. All input optical packets within normal electronic routers are changed into electrical signals stored subsequently within a memory. This type of switching offers data transparency & large capacity. But, after so much research, this kind of technology has not yet been used in actual products due to a lack of fast, deep optical memories & the poor integration level.

Optical Packet Switching
Optical Packet Switching

Some More Optical Communication Systems Seminar Topics

The list of optical communication systems seminar topics is listed below.

  • Optical Network Solutions based on High-Density Context.
  • Optical Ethernet-based Experimentation & Applications.
  • Function Placement of C – RAN & Reliability in Optical N/Ws.
  • Controlling of 5G Optical Networks through SDN.
  • Optical Networking Methods for Time Sensitive based Applications.
  • Cloud RAN Networks Deployment & Virtualization.
  • Reconfiguration of WDM Optical Network with Support to 5G
  • MIMO Transmissions.Faster Adaptive Optics & Electronics Systems.
  • Optical Network Integration with Radio Access Network.
  • Network Security & Selecting Optimal Path.
  • Contention & Smart Mode Transition Resolution.
  • Multi-Tenant-based Virtualization & Slicing of Optical Network.
  • Intra or Inter Data Center Connection within Edge Computing.
  • Energy-Aware Communication within Optical Network.
  • Optical Network Improved Design & Optimization.
  • Photonic ICs Manipulation within Optical Networks.
  • Optical Communication Applications based on Improved VLC.
  • Optical Network Orchestration & Control based on SDN-NFV.
  • Interoperability & Field Experiments within Optical Networking.
  • Designs of Optical Node for Open Optical Line Systems.
  • Data Analytics & AI Practices of Optical Communication.
  • Leveraging Modern Vertical Industries within Optical Communication.
  • Allocation of Spectrum & Routing within Flex-grid or Static Optical Networks.
  • Accessibility, Flexibility, Security & Survivability within Optical Network.
  • Optical Communication assisted by NFC for High Bandwidth & Low Delay.
  • Multi-Dimensional Optical Network Architecture Design.
  • Scalable Fiber Optical Communication.
  • Avoidance of Collision for Multi-Rotor UAVs within Urban Environments based on Optical Flow.
  • CDMA System Simulation based on Optical Orthogonal Codes.
  • Optical SDM Communications System based on Orbital Angular Momentum Numerical Analysis.
  • Short or Medium Range Applications with Optical Sources.

Thus, this is a list of optical communication systems seminar topics for engineering students. The above list of optical communication systems seminar topics is very helpful in selecting their technical seminar topic on optical communication. Optical communication systems are used to transmit data optically using fibers. So, this can be done by simply changing the electronic signals to light pulses using light sources like light-emitting diodes or lasers. Here is a question for you, what is optical fiber?