5G Wireless Technology Seminar Topics for Engineering Students

In mobile communication, we have seen various fast evolutions from first generation (1G) to fourth generation (4G) with significant updates in their performance. Similarly, at present, fifth-generation (5G) technology is developed after 1G, 2G, 3G & 4G networks which is a new global wireless standard. This technology simply allows a new type of network that is mainly designed for connecting almost everyone & everything together like devices, objects, and machines. 5G wireless network technology delivers very low latency, high multi-Gbps peak data speeds, additional reliability, huge network capacity, improved availability & more uniform experience for users. This article provides a list of 5G wireless technology seminar topics for engineering students.

5G Wireless Technology Seminar Topics for Engineering Students

The list of 5G wireless technology seminar topics for engineering students is discussed below.

5G Wireless Technology Seminar Topics
5G Wireless Technology Seminar Topics

Industrial Robots with 5G

Industrial Robots with 5G are used to interact with their environment in real-time so that vast amounts of data will be transferred immediately. 5G is the best choice because of its higher bandwidth & lower latency as compared to other types of wireless connectivity. The 5G wireless technology is used for a new generation of robotics. Some robots roam freely and are simply controlled through wireless instead of wired communication links by utilizing the vast computing & data storage resources of the cloud. So in real-time, robots can be controlled precisely & also connected to machines & people locally & globally.

Industrial Robots with 5G
Industrial Robots with 5G

Mining Operations

Generally, the mining industry faces multiple difficult challenges continuously across the geopolitical landscape to the interruption of the digital economy, resulting in improved pressure when productivity within operation improves. To take advantage of on digital revolution, companies of mining use 5G.
5G networks have the capability for providing opportunities to the mining industry like remote operations & automation because of lower latency, improved coverage, high reliability at each stage of its industrial operations. It provides very robust, dependable, pervasive & safe wireless connectivity.

Mining Operations
Mining Operations

Monitoring Surveillance

5G technology must be influenced by the next generation of devices. To enable a broad range of new products & services, high reliability, High-speed, secure networks & low latency will serve as infrastructure 5G manages different types of data traffic from devices with a variety of network requirements. The services like video surveillance & monitoring will be greatly impacted as the industry works to defeat technical challenges while meeting the growing expectations of consumers for cameras.

Monitoring Surveillance
Monitoring Surveillance

5G technology addresses the need of industries for low-latency, secure network connectivity & high bandwidth. Video surveillance & monitoring solutions should change from legacy architecture to a next-generation framework with more intense local processing, high-speed networks & a cloud infrastructure that is capable of analyzing & storing a huge amount of data streaming using many devices. So in this transformation, 5G technology plays an important role.


Mini 5G GPS Tracker

The mini 5G GPS tracker has a weather-resistant casing & also a mounting bracket through magnets. When this tracker is in motion then map points are updated every two minutes or every eight hours when the unit is motionless. This mini GPS tracker is arranged in a pocket or a backpack to determine any location of lost ones. The function of the geofence is used to obtain an e-mail or push notification alert once the tracker moves away from a certain area.

Mini 5G GPS Tracker
Mini 5G GPS Tracker

This 5G mini GPS tracker is perfect for monitoring the purses, luggage, packages, containers, or laptop bags’ location. This device can be used for short-term vehicle tracking, however, there are trackers with a longer battery life that are more suitable for many days of driving time.

Augmented Reality Technology

Augmented reality (AI) is an interactive and enhanced version of a real-world environment and it is achieved through sounds, digital visual elements & another sensory stimulus through holographic technology. Augmented reality systems are showcased frequently on broadband connections because they can only deliver the speeds required for various AR applications. Augmented Reality Technology with a 5G network offers more uniform, faster data rates & the low latency necessary interactions for real-time video at less cost.

Augmented Reality Technology
Augmented Reality Technology

5G Network Slicing

A type of network architecture like 5G network slicing simply allows the multiplexing of independent logical & virtualized networks on a similar physical network infrastructure. Every network slice is a separate end-to-end network adapted to fulfill different requirements demanded through a particular application. Network slicing separates the network into different virtual connections which can be modified to the traffic necessities of different use cases. The 5G applications that are allowed or enhanced require better bandwidth, more connections & lower latency as compared to previous generations.

5G Network Slicing
5G Network Slicing


In 5G URLLC, the term URLLC stands for Ultra-reliable, low-latency communications. It is capable of providing up to 99.999% reliability through latency measured within single-digit milliseconds based on use case requirements. Critical IoT is an emerging service wherever devices need highly responsive connectivity that may extend to wide geographic areas. 5G URLLC is made possible through various developments across the 5G standard & network architecture. So this new design simply allows more efficient data transfers, shorter transmission throughout larger subcarriers & enhanced scheduling throughout overlapping transmissions.


Autonomous Driving

An autonomous vehicle is capable of sensing its surroundings & operates without the involvement of humans. To control the vehicle at any time, a passenger is not necessary because worldwide, autonomous vehicles with 5G connectivity are being designed by many automobile industries. The 5G network delivers new application options to support the expansion of autonomous cars while promoting a very faster connection between transport systems.

Autonomous Driving
Autonomous Driving


Beamforming is one type of method used to develop the S/N ratio of received signals, reduce unwanted interference sources & also focus transmitted signals to particular locations. This technique is essential to systems by sensor arrays with MIMO wireless communications systems like LTE, 5G & WLAN. Beamforming can be utilized with 5G signals to conquer the problems faced by 5G like range limitations & interference. 5G beamforming allows more focused signals to be transmitted to a receiving device like a laptop or smartphone.

5G Beamforming
5G Beamforming

5G Drones

A drone that is equipped with a 5G compatible modem is known as a 5G drone. This drone is enabled by a computing platform on board to attain low-latency, faster, on-board computing that is simply associated with 5G technology like 7.5 Gbps download & 3 Gbps upload speeds. India’s first 5 G-enabled drone Skyhawk was capable of vertical take-off & landing. This drone was used in other areas excluding defense & medical applications. Generally, drones use less consistent point-to-point links while flying, so they could lose signal at any time throughout the journey. When drones operate with a 5G network then drone benefits from low-latency connectivity & ultra-high reliability.

5G Drones
5G Drones

5G Robot for Covid 19 Prevention

This robot simply moves in open areas to analyze whether people or visitors outside are following the safety guidelines or not like properly wearing masks, maintaining social distancing, etc. This robot is developed by Intel, Vodaphone & Altran. So this robot is based on AGV (Autonomous Guided Vehicle) including on-board thermal cameras & video that simply allow detection of people with above normal body temperatures & also identifying people that are not wearing masks so that it generates alarms that are handled by the remote command center

5G Robot for Covid 19 Prevention
5G Robot for Covid 19 Prevention

Military Surveillance with 5G

The 5G technology in the military is normally used for communication. So, allows the transmission of data, voices, videos & position locations. 5G is a high bandwidth, lower latency & high-speed Internet network that is perfect for various defense & military applications.

Military Surveillance with 5G
Military Surveillance with 5G

Railway Operations

5G technology supports railway operators & infrastructure managers to provide the best services for their customers like video security, passenger information, or signaling. 5G technology has super-fast reactions and the delay between transmitting & receiving data can be 1 msec. This technology is 200 times faster as compared to 4G technology. 5G technology simply moves huge amounts of data very fast and the highest data rate is 10Gbps.

Railway Operations
Railway Operations

Advanced Antenna System

Advanced antenna systems or AAS is used to develop network performance by using multi-antenna technologies such as MIMO & beam forming. Latest technology improvements have made AAS a feasible option for large-scale deployments within 4G & 5G mobile networks. This antenna system allows enables high-tech beam forming & MIMO techniques. These are very powerful tools for developing coverage, capacity, and end-user experience. Thus, AAS enhances the performance of the network significantly in both uplink & downlink. Finding the most appropriate AAS alternates to attain cost efficiency & performance gains within a particular network deployment needs understanding both AAS & multi-antenna characteristics.

Advanced Antenna System
Advanced Antenna System

5G Small Cells

Small cells are low-powered cellular radio access nodes that are very important for expanding 5G networks for providing coverage & coverage gaps filling within specific spaces. Not like larger macrocells, these cells utilize little power to provide high-speed 5G service for smaller regions. 5G networks utilize three dissimilar spectrum bands to transmit low, medium, and high. These cells play a significant role in broadcasting 5G so that it provides the best speeds at the shortest range.

5G Small Cells
5G Small Cells

Small cells provide high-performance cellular service for different companies across a broad area. For instance, metal walls & large machines in factories create a challenge to use 5G technology consistently. Indoor small cells simply provide consistent targeted coverage for particular industrial IoT applications & help in eliminating dead zones in enterprise environments.

5G Millimeter-Wave Technology

5G network wireless communication is enhanced somewhat through new technology known as mmWave. This technology is used by US airlines and also used in Japan & China. Ultimately, this technology has in progress to spread around the world. The 5G mmWaves advantages are; it provides more bandwidth to accommodate more subscribers. The narrow bandwidth within the millimeter range will make it suitable to use with small cells. In order to work 5G networks well, the feature of channel probing is utilized to consider different kinds of mmWave frequency loss.

5G Millimeter-Wave Technology
5G Millimeter-Wave Technology

Here, channel probing is the estimation or measurement of channel characteristics that assist you to succeed in designing, developing & deploying a 5G network through the necessary quality requirements. The 5G millimeter wave technology simply supports up to 400 meters of multi-Gigabit backhaul & up to 200 to 300 meters of cellular access.

Enhanced Mobile Broadband or eMBB

Enhanced mobile broadband (eMBB) is one of the main defining characteristics of the 5G networks whereas the other two are ultra-low latency & massive capacity. Enhanced mobile broadband is also called extreme mobile broadband. This eMBB is simply derived from 4G LTE n/ws. The main intention of enhanced mobile broadband is to provide high bandwidth with superior latency for various applications like virtual reality, 4K media & augmented reality.

Enhanced Mobile Broadband or eMBB
Enhanced Mobile Broadband or eMBB

This is changing the industry of wireless communication by expanding the technology to connect & redefine various businesses & industries. The extension of eMBB also improves the coverage regions. By using Enhanced mobile broadband, 5G networks are capable of delivering higher QoS (quality of service) internet access to the common public, even in demanding or prohibitive conditions.

With the aid of enhanced mobile broadband service, 5 NR delivers reliable and fast mobile broadband. eMBB is not only changing the face of connectivity in smartphones but also bringing a wave of change in cloud connectivity, real-time video monitoring applications, and remote operations.

Massive IoT in 5G

Massive IoT defines the hundreds of things that are simply connected to the internet and transmitting & collecting small amounts of data from different sensors. From these connected devices, processing the data with AI & machine learning platforms simply permits us to enhance lives with very efficient & expensive new services. For connectivity of IoT, there are many wireless technologies that are used although only 4G or 5G cellular technologies are used to connect IoT objects through a fully secured, ultra-reliable connection anyplace in the world. The massive IoT application areas mainly include asset tracking, wearables, smart home or smart city, smart metering, environmental monitoring & smart manufacturing.

Massive IoT in 5G
Massive IoT in 5G

Mission-critical Communications (mCC)

The ability to send very fast & consistent emergency response throughout a disaster is known as Mission-critical communications. The solutions of mCC provide improvements in several areas which include communications enhancements like HD video streaming to IoT applications that improve the security & efficiency of military services. These communications mainly depend on networks as well as communication systems. So, this communication plays a major role in making the world very safer.

Mission-critical Communications (mCC)
Mission-critical Communications (mCC)

Some More 5G Wireless Technology Seminar Topics for Engineering Students

The list of some more 5G wireless technology seminar topics for engineering students is listed below.

  • Spectrum Bands in 5G.
  • 5G Multiplexing Methods.
  • Carrier Aggregation Technology.
  • SDN (Software-Defined Networking) for 5G.
  • 5G Broadband Signal Processing.
  • Massive MIMO Antennas.
  • Unlicensed Spectrum Processing.
  • Centimeter & Millimeter Wave.
  • Battery Life.
  • Contextual Awareness.
  • Data Mining in 5G.
  • 5G Radio Access Technology.
  • Device to Device (D2D) Communication.
  • Big Data in 5G Networks.
  • Network Function Virtualization in 5G.
  • Channel Modeling in 5G Networks.
  • Cognitive Radio in 5G Networks.
  • Performance Analysis of 5G Networks.
  • Handover Authentication.
  • Internet of Things in 5G.
  • Ultra Dense Networks in 5G.
  • Fronthaul/backhaul also in 5G Networks.
  • CRAN (Cloud RAN) for 5G.
  • 5 G-based Heterogeneous Networks.
  • 5 G-based Radio Resource Management.
  • Allocation of Resource in 5G Networks.
  • Energy Harvesting in 5G Networks.
  • Unlicensed Spectrum/U-LTE in 5G.
  • Self-Organizing Networks in 5G.
  • Non-orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA) Techniques.
  • Privacy Protection in 5G.

Thus, this is the list of 5G wireless technology seminar topics for engineering students. These are the most important 5G seminar topics which are very helpful in selecting a seminar topic. Here is a question for you, what is 4G?