PIC32 Based Microcontroller Development Board

A Microcontroller can be defined as the integration of microprocessor and other required external components onto a single microchip and optimized to interact with the outside world through on-board interfaces. Latest microcontroller comprises of a microprocessor module, ROM (Read Only Memory) module, RAM (Random Access Memory) module, I/O (Input Output functions) modules, and various other specialized circuits all in one package.The PIC development board are used in automatically controlled products.

PIC32 microcontroller
PIC32 microcontroller

This PIC development board offers RS232 (Receiver, Transmitter including RTS, CTS), USB port, a switch, LED modules, ICSP devices, a reset and power monitoring buttons, I2C device, external / USB power supply, to stabilize the system’s power, connector for alternate power battery and power switch and an expansion bus.

PIC32 Based Microcontroller Development Board

A PIC 32 microcontroller universal board is a powerful development platform based on PIC18F452 microcontroller, PIC18F252 microcontroller, PIC16F877A microcontroller and PIC16F84 microcontroller. PIC 32 USB based data logging, application in real time data monitoring and control process, interactive control panel systems, etc.

On-chip USB controller provides a direct high speed interface to a PC/ laptop with speeds up to 12Mb/s speed. The UART boot loader eliminates need of an additional programmer and allows you to program using serial port interface. The on board peripherals include a USB interface port, ULN2003 current sinking driver interface, L293D DC motor controller for devices, 16X2 character LCD.

PIC32 internal structure
PIC32 internal structure

The on chip peripherals and the external hardware on the development board are interconnected using pin headers and jumpers in a board. The I/O pins on the microcontroller can be accessed easily. The board is made from double sided PTH PCB board to provide extra strength to the connector joints for increased reliability application. PIC develoment board supports the operating supply voltage between 5V DC and 12 V AC and has built-in reverse polarity protection.

PIC32 Development Board Architecture

A PIC32 microcontroller universal board is a powerful development platform based on PIC18F452 microcontroller, PIC18F252 microcontroller, PIC16F877A microcontroller and PIC16F84 microcontroller. A PIC development board is ideal for developing embedded applications involving high speed wireless communication process, the USB based data logging instructions, real time data monitoring and control of devices, interactive control panels, etc.


USB controller provides a direct high speed interface to a PC/ laptop with speeds up to 12Mb/s speed. The UART (universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter) boot loader eliminates need of an additional programmer and allows you to program using serial port on board.

PIC 32 Pin diagram
PIC 32 Pin diagram

Based on the experiences with the IPS Board we can present a design for a multi purpose prototyping board for PIC 32. These microcontrollers are used for various applications. We use such microcontrollers to develop prototypes and solutions to integrate and design different prototyping boards over and over again depending on the controller used.

So made the effort to design a Universal PIC development board UPB where a broad range of different controllers can be used in peripheral. PIC32 board offers RS232 with receiver, transmitter including RTS and CTS, USB, a switch, an LED component, ICSP function, a reset and power monitoring for board, I2C for board, external/USB power supply, power stabilization for the board, connector for alternate power and power switch and an expansion bus interface.

The I/O pins on the microcontroller can be accessed easily. The board is made from double sided PTH PCB board to provide extra strength to the connector joints for increased reliability while connecting. PIC32 supports the operating supply voltage in the range of 5V DC to 12V DC and has built-in reverse polarity protection.

This low-cost and reliable component constitutes a smooth transition to the co-design of universal boards. The board in testing program phase it can be simulated in any embedded environment called as a development system.

PIC32 development board
PIC32 development board

The power supply unit, microcontroller socket and development system contain elements for input pin activation and output pin monitoring. LCD display, sensors and all other elements which can be interfaced with this controller. The whole program may be tested in practice during its development stage to know whether its input is activated by a push-button or a sensor built in a real machine system. These universal boards result in various applications as follows

Energy Measurement System Conveyed over RF using a PIC microcontroller

This 8051 microcontroller projects is to measure solar cell parameters through multiple sensor data acquisition system. A solar panel is used that keeps monitoring the sunlight. Different parameters of the solar panel like intensity of light, voltage of the output, current and the temperature are monitored and are sent to a remote PC using an RF 2.4 GHz serial link module. The microcontroller used here is from PIC family. It is designed to achieve integral cycle switching which is a method to remove whole cycles or portions of cycles of an AC signal.

Energy Measurement System Conveyed over RF  Project Kit by edgefxkits.com
Energy Measurement System Conveyed over RF Project Kit by edgefxkits.com

Speed Synchronization of Multiple Motors In Industries using PIC Microcontroller

This PIC microcontroller project is synchronization of multiple motors using the PIC microcontroller. It uses radio frequency to synchronize speed of the motor. It is applicable to many industries like textile mill industry, steel plant machines and production of paper plants, where in all the motors used on the conveyor are desired to be synchronize

Energy Measurement System Conveyed over RF  Project Kit by edgefxkits.com
Energy Measurement System Conveyed over RF Project Kit by edgefxkits.com

EVM Electronic Voting Machine uses PIC Microcontroller

One of the microcontroller projects is electronic voting machine is an interesting project which uses a PIC32 development board microcontroller. It is designed for eight contestants. Voters can poll their vote to any one of the contestant they like.

EVM Electronic Voting Machine  Project Kit by edgefxkits.com
EVM Electronic Voting Machine Project Kit by edgefxkits.com

Industrial Power Control by Integral Cycle Switching without Generating Harmonics using PIC Microcontroller

It is designed to achieve integral cycle switching which is a method to remove whole cycles or portions of cycles of an AC signal. This is a well-known and old method of controlling AC power. As across linear loads such as heaters used in electric furnace.

Industrial Power Control by Integral Cycle Switching without Generating Harmonics Project kit by edgefxkits.com
Industrial Power Control by Integral Cycle Switching without Generating Harmonics Project kit by edgefxkits.com

Thus, this is all about PIC32 microcontroller development board with some applications. This microcontroller is based on the MIPS32 M4K Core. It can be programmed using the MPLAB C compiler for PIC32MCUs. We hope that you have got a better understanding about this concept. Furthermore, any queries regarding this article or electronics projects you can approach us by commenting in the comment section below.

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