What is Tank Circuit : Working and Its Applicaitons

The initial study of the electromagnetic oscillation is found within an LC tank circuit or tank circuit. In the year 1827, it was come into view in France and published by Felix Savary. He used a device namely Leyden Jar and a similar device is also used by Benjamin Franklin for capturing electricity through his kite experiment to prepare a document on how the reverse charges on the indoor & exterior of the jar caused a magnetized pointer to turn front and back. The pioneering work of Savary shows how a magnetic changed among a coil as well as a charged plate. Afterward, these oscillations can be identified as electromagnetic frequencies & become very important to the radio technology which is implemented by scientists namely Guglielmo and Marconi.

What is Tank Circuit?

The tank circuit definition is a circuit which has a capacitor and connected it to a coil as well as an inductor through connecting wires. A capacitor is an electrical component and it has two conductive plates. These plates are divided with a nonconductive material like wax paper. Whenever the capacitor gets an electric charge, then two charges like positive as well as negative to collect on conflicting ends of the non-conductive face. Because opposite charges cannot flow through the surface but it attracts. The charges will supply to the inductor coil through the connecting wires to charge the inductor in electromagnetically.

Tank Circuit Diagram

The circuit diagram of the tank circuit is shown below. The circuit can be built using electrical and electronic components like an inductor and capacitor. The values of these components are a ceramic capacitor (1nF) and an inductor (270mH). Here the capacitor should not be an electrolytic it should be ceramic because on both sides of the capacitor the charging needs to take place. When we use a ceramic capacitor then the leads will not get polarized so the charging will take place on both terminals whereas, in an electrolyte capacitor, the leads get polarized so the charging will take place on one side only.


Tank Circuit Working

In a tank circuit, the resonance can be formed through the movement of electrical charge among the inductor and capacitor. The same charge movement can be observed in the Leyden Jar by Savary. When electrical charge flows from the capacitor to the coil then the capacitor drops electromagnetic energy so the inductor turns into electromagnetically charged. When the inductor gets more charge than the capacitor, but, the electromagnetic cloud in the region of the coil starts to dissolve &energy supplies back to the capacitor using wires. After that method starts once more to replicate over & over until the energy has vanished to resistance within the circuit.

Applications of  Tank Circuit

The backward and forward of electrical energy among the capacitor as well as inductor produces an electromagnetic frequency. This frequency is extremely used in telecommunications technology. These circuits are used for tuning transmitters & receivers of radio. Once these circuits get charge then generate a precise frequency. For example, once you turn on a radio toward a particular station, the charge can be changed on a circuit then it vibrates at that frequency. That exact resonance can be used to filter out further frequencies & plays only the selected stations. This technology is applicable in all types of communication devices like radio towers, walkie-talkies, etc.

Thus, this is all about the tank circuit and its applications. From the above information finally, we can conclude that these circuits are used in many applications which mainly include amplifiers, filters, oscillators, mixers, tuners, etc. Here is a question for you, what is the RLC circuit?