Posted By: Tarun Agarwal

Tarun Agarwal

Tarun Agarwal is the Chief Customer Support Officer at Elprocus. He has 8 years of experience in Customer Support, Operations and Administration.

by Tarun Agarwal 11 years ago

Steps to Build an Electronic Circuits

What is a circuit and why do we need to build a circuit? Before I go into details about how a circuit is designed, let us first know what a circuit is and why do we need to build a circuit. A circuit is any loop through which matter is...

by Tarun Agarwal 11 years ago

Alternative Career Options After Engineering

I finished my BTech with high aspirations and dreams to join the multi-million dollar software industry. I stepped into the job market to realize I was a misfit in this industry in terms of my knowledge, Skills and Attitude. Not knowing...

by Tarun Agarwal 11 years ago

Which Tools are Used in Program the Microcontroller?

Normally we are designing a circuit and connecting to different other components like motors, LCDs, LEDS, even more by giving a power supply which is used by that circuit. What the microcontroller does when it is programmed with that circuit? The...

Wifi Technology
by Tarun Agarwal 11 years ago

What is a WiFi Technology & How Does It Work?

Wi-Fi is a popular wireless networking technology. Wi-Fi stands for “wireless fidelity”. Wi-Fi was invented by NCR Corporation/AT&T in the Netherlands in 1991. By using this technology we can exchange information between two or...