Posted By: Tarun Agarwal

Tarun Agarwal

Tarun Agarwal is the Chief Customer Support Officer at Elprocus. He has 8 years of experience in Customer Support, Operations and Administration.

by Tarun Agarwal 4 years ago

What is 4×4 Array Multiplier and Its Working

Multipliers are used in a wide range of digital signal processing and other applications. Due to advancements in current technologies, many researchers have mainly concentrated on the design factors, for better performance. Some of the...

by Tarun Agarwal 4 years ago

What is a Packet Switching : Modes and Delays

We live in an era where every process is quick and responsive. Packet switching is one such technology used nowadays on data networks like the internet, LAN, WAN. The development of Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), enabled packet switching...