Movement Sensed Automatic Door Opening System Circuit and Working

The automatic door opening systems are used in commercial buildings, shopping malls, theatres, etc. These systems are used to open the door when a person comes near to the entrance of the door and closes it after he moves away from the door or after entering into the door. There are various kinds of sensors are available in the market to make such types of systems such as Radar sensors, PIR sensors, Infrared sensors, and Laser sensors, etc. This project uses a PIR sensor to open or close the door automatically which senses the infrared energy produced by the human body. When someone approaches the door, the IR energy sensed by the PIR sensor changes and activates the sensor to open and close the door automatically. Further, the signal sent to the microcontroller to control the door.

Automatic Garage Door Opening System

Opening and closing of doors have been always a boring job, especially in places where a person is always required to open the door for visitors such as hotels, shopping malls, and theaters. Here is a solution to open and close the door i.e, movement sensed automatic door opening and closing system. This project is used to sense any body movement near the door. This is achieved with the help of a passive infrared sensor. Generally, a human body emits infrared energy which is detected by the PIR sensor from a particular distance. This signal which is detected by the sensor is fed to a controller to function a door motor through motor driver IC. When a body reaches the operating range of the PIR sensor, it sends a signal to the micro controller to open and close the door.

Automatic Door Opening System
Automatic Door Opening System

Automatic Door Opening System Circuit

The circuit diagram of an automatic door opening and closing system is shown below. The circuit is built with an Arduino UNO, 16×2 LCD, PIR sensor, connecting wires, breadboard, 1 k resistor, power supply, motor driver and DVD.

Automatic Door Opening System Circuit
Automatic Door Opening System Circuit

The circuit connection of an automatic door opening system is shown above. Here, the PIR sensor consists of three terminals such as Vcc, Dout, and GND. Where Dout pin is directly connected to pin14 (A0) of Arduino UNO. An LCD display is used to display the status. LCD display pins RS and EN are connected to 12 and 13 pins of Arduino. Data pins namely D0 to D7 are connected to Arduino digital pins 8,9,10,11 and RW is directly connected to the GND terminal. Motor driver L293D is connected to pin0 and pin1 of Arduino for opening & closing the door. Here in the above circuit, a motor is used for a door.

Automatic Door Opening System and It’s Working

This automatic door opening system project is used to open and close the door automatically using the PIR sensor. The hardware and software requirements of this project mainly include; 8051 series microcontroller, transformer, PIR sensor, the motor with sliding door, motor driver IC, diodes, resistors, capacitors, crystal and transistor, Keil compiler, language: embedded C Or assembly.

Automatic Door Opening System Block Diagram by
Automatic Door Opening System Block Diagram by

This proposed system uses a PIR sensor to sense the human body movement near to the door. Generally, a human body emits infrared energy in the form of heat, which is detected by the PIR sensor from a particular distance. Then the sensing signal is fed to an 8051 microcontroller to function a door motor via motor driver IC.


When a live body approaches the operating range of the PIR sensor, it sends a signal to open the door. The door routinely closes with a particular time delay. If there is no extra movement within the operating range of a PIR sensor. Interrupt indications are used through limit switches to avoid the motor’s locked rotor condition.

Moreover, the proposed system can be developed by interfacing a counting arrangement to count the entry and exit of people at a specific place. This can be accomplished by interfacing an EEPROM to store the data when there is no power.

Automatic Door Opening System Project Kit by
Automatic Door Opening System Project Kit by

Thus, this is all about the automatic door opening system with movement sensed and it’s working. We hope that you have got a better understanding of this concept. Furthermore, any doubts regarding this article or electrical and ece projects, please give your valuable suggestions by commenting in the comment section below. Here is a question for you, what are the applications of a PIR motion sensor switch?

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