Infographics: 6 Simple DIY (Do It Yourself) Electronics Circuits 

Generally, success in an initial project plays a crucial role in the field of electronics engineering students’ careers. Many students left this branch due to failing on their first try. After a few disappointments, the student keeps a misunderstanding that these electronics circuits working now might not work tomorrow. Thus, we advise beginners to start with the following simple DIY electronics circuits projects which will give the output in your first attempt. These circuits give interest to your own work. Before you continue, you should know the working of the simple circuit and usage of a breadboard for connecting the circuit on the board. This infographic gives 6 simple DIY electronic circuits for beginners and mini projects for engineering students The following electronic circuits come under basic and small categories.

There are different branches are available in engineering such as, EEE-(electrical and electronics engineering), ECE-(electronics and communication engineering), CSE-(computer science engineering), and so on. The project work is a part of the engineering course academics which will assist the students to advance practical knowledge and also hands-on experience. If we consider electronics and electrical branches, then these project works may comprise simple electronics circuits for making the projects.

What is an Electronic Circuit?

The connection of various basic electrical and electronics components using connecting wires on a breadboard or by soldering on the printed circuit board to make circuits which are named as electrical and electronic mini project circuits. In this infographic, let us discuss a few simple electronic projects for beginners which are built with simple electronic circuits. Please follow the link below for Electronic Circuits and Their Symbols

Simple DIY Electronic Circuits for Beginners

There are several numbers of simple DIY electronics circuits for beginners that include DIY circuits (Do It Yourself). These circuits can be used to build DIY electronics projects for beginners as these are very simple electronic circuits. These simple circuits can be realized on a breadboard without any soldering, hence, named as solderless projects. The list of 6 simple DIY electronic circuits is very helpful for the beginners while doing practice, designing of these DIY circuits helps to deal with complex circuits.

What is an Electronic Circuit?

Required Basic Electronic Components


Rain Alarm

Rain circuit is used to give an alert when it’s going to rain

Temperature Monitor

The temperature monitor circuit is used for an indication using an LED whether the temperature value exceeded a maximum level or went below the minimum level is sometimes enough.

Touch Sensor Circuit

This circuit includes two wires when these wires touch with a finger, then the LED lights up!

Lie Detector

Lie detector can be used to know if someone is really telling the truth.

Photodiode Alarm Circuit

This Photodiode based Alarm can be used to give a warning alarm when someone passes through a protected are

Tilt Alarm Circuit

This is a circuit where an alarm will go off once the circuit is tilted. Once the circuit is tilted beyond a certain degree, a loud buzzer will go off, alerting us to this.

6 Simple Do It Yourself Electronics Circuits 


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