CD4035 Shift Register : Pin Configuration & Its Applications

A CD4035 shift register is a sequential logic circuit, used to store several data bits. This IC includes a set of flip-flops (FFs) that are connected within a chain model so that the o/p of the flip flop or FF will turn into the input for the next FF. All the FFs can be driven through a common CLK signal & all are arranged/rearrange simultaneously.

The stored bits within these registers can be made to shift in or out the registers. The formation of the n-bit shift register can be done by connecting several FFs wherever every FF stores a single data bit. The FFs used in the register mainly depend on the stored binary bits within the shift register. This article discusses an overview of the CD4035 shift register and its working.

What is the CD4035 Shift Register?

The CD4035 is one kind of shift register, used in control circuits, registers & counters. This IC is available with a 16-pin serial chip including a clocked signal that is a 4 stage register. The inputs like synchronous parallel are provided to every phase whereas the serial inputs are provided to the primary stage through JK FF. This IC is available in different 16-pin packages like GDIP, PDIP & PDSO.

The CD4035 includes two 4-bit shift registers namely PIPO (Parallel In-Parallel Out) that is used to get the input data & control four output pins within parallel. It receives data from 4-parallel inputs, shifts the data then reflects on 4-parallel outputs. The CLK input edge makes data shifting. Data shifts on every positive edge of the clock. Each shift register stage consists of D Flip Flops connected in series with each other.

This chip is suitable where microcontrollers don’t have sufficient GPIO pins to handle several outputs. When this IC operates like the data bit for liquid crystal display, this IC is used to interface LCDs.

Pin Configuration

The pin configuration of the CD4035 shift register is shown below. This IC includes 16-pins where each pin with its functionality is shown below.

CD4035 IC Pin Configuration
CD4035 IC Pin Configuration
  • Pin2 (True/Complement): This pin is used to display the data complement on the o/p once this pin is LOW True/Complement
  • Pins 3 & 4 (J, ~k): These are serial input pins
  • Pin5 (Reset): This pin is used to rearrange the output values to zero
  • Pin6 (CLK): CLK input pulse
  • Pin7 (P/S): Parallel/serial control
  • Pin8 (Vss) : GND pin
  • Pins 9,10,11,12 (Inputs PI-1, PI-2, PI-3 & PI-4) : Parallel data i/ps
  • Pins 1,13,14,15 (Q0, Q1, Q2, Q3): Outputs
  • Pin16 (Vdd): +ve supply terminal

Alternative CD4035 shift register ICs are CD4006, 14, 15,104, 35 & 74LS166, 164, 299, 323, 379 & 595.

Features & Specifications

The features and specifications of the CD4035 shift register include the following.

  • 4-bit PIPO clocked shift register
  • Synchronous parallel inputs – 4
  • Asynchronous T/C control input
  • Asynchronous common RST input
  • Operating voltage ranges from 3V – 18V
  • Configuration is a master-slave with fixed FF operation
  • Buffered i/ps & o/ps
  • Delay time for propagation is 500 ns
  • Quiescent current is up to 20V
  • Available packages are 16-pin GDIP, PDIP & PDSO
  • High speed is 12 MHz at VDD = 10 V
  • The range of operating temperature ranges from – 55 C to + 125 C
  • The dual 4-bit PIPO Shift register
  • Operating voltage ranges from 3V – 18V

How to use CD4035 Shift Register?

The main function of a shift register is to move the data and its operation is very simple. This IC includes 2 serial inputs & 4 parallel data inputs.

Once the control input of serial or parallel is less, then the register within the serial mode & all the stages of the register will be allied within a serial D-FF pattern. Once the control i/p is High, then the register will be within the parallel mode. So, this input pin is accountable to decide serial/parallel data entry.

The application circuit of a CD4035 shifts registers namely the 3-phase signal generator is shown below. This circuit is used to generate a three-phase signal using a parallel in or parallel-out register.

3 Phase Signal Generator with CD4035 Shift Register
3 Phase Signal Generator with CD4035 Shift Register

This circuit can be mainly used as a variable frequency driver for a three-phase induction motor. So this circuit includes a CD4035 shift register & 2- NOT gates CD4049.

It generates 3 pulse width modulation signals that can be used to drive 3-phase H-bridge circuits. Here, the o/p of PWM signals mainly depends on the input CLK signal’s frequency. The frequency of the CD4035 shift register must be higher than the frequency of your necessary o/p signal.

For example, if you need a 50Hz frequency of o/p signals, then the CLK signal’s frequency should be 300Hz (6X50Hz). So, the output frequency formula is shown below.

fo = fin/6

Where ‘fo’ is o/p frequency

‘fin’ is an i/p CLK frequency.

This circuit provides a 50Hz PWM signal for a 3 phase AC motor drive.

Where to use/Applications

This is a shift register IC, used to store or shift data. This IC includes two serial inputs with parallel inputs. So this feature will allow this chip to change the data from serial to parallel.

Consequently, you can also use this IC in converting the data between serial & parallel interfaces. This chip is very useful in several circuits to perform different tasks like producing time delays, storage/transfer data, and manipulation.

This IC is used where the microcontroller does not include sufficient GPIO pins for controlling the necessary outputs. It is regularly used in different electronic projects wherever the controlling of the number of LEDs can be done throughout the MCU.

This shift register IC can also be utilized to interface LCD screens as they can perform like the data bit especially for the liquid crystal displays.

  • These registers are used in registers, counters.
  • Arithmetic-unit registers
  • Shift right (SR) & shift left (SL) registers
  • Sequence generation
  • Control circuits
  • Conversion of code
  • Converters like serial to parallel and parallel to serial
  • Counters like a ring or up or down Johnson
  • Control circuits
  • S & H registers for shifting the data
  • Serial & parallel interface conversion
  • pseudo-random generation of code

Thus, this is all about an overview of the CD4035 Shift Register datasheet which includes its pin configuration, specifications, features, circuit, working, and its applications. These types of shift registers are applicable for short-term data storage, data transfer & data management. The SISO, PIPO type registers are mainly used for generating time delay toward digital circuits. Here is a question for you, what are the different types of shift registers?