Latest EC Projects Ideas for Mini Projects in Engineering

Nowadays, EC projects play a vital role in the field of engineering. EC is a branch of an engineering, Many students are now showing keen interest in EC branch. This branch offers endless opportunities for the EC students that help them move on in their respective careers. Every engineering graduate should complete their project in III year and IV year of their degree to complete their degree successfully. They have to utilize their innovative ideas in implementing the projects.

Mini EC Projects
Mini EC Projects

This article lists a latest EC mini projects for engineering students.Moreover, students can avail various options to choose their EC projects for final year in various categories like robotics, microcontroller, embedded systemselp, solar and communication based like GSM, GPS and RFID etc. These categories of ECE projects will give a huge opportunity for the students. To get a better idea over the simple EC projects for final year BE students, kindly look into the following top 10 projects with explanation. Here, you can check out the Live Projects Related to Electronics Project Ideas.

Mini EC Projects for Engineering Students

The latest mini projects for ECE students are discussed below.

Wire Loop Breaking Alarm Signal

The main goal of this project is to make an alarm signal if the wire breaks in the loop. This project uses a buzzer to give an alert to the user.The proposed system is built with a 555 timer IC in astable mode. A transistor is used to trigger the timer, whenever there is a break in the wire loop. In this project, as a wire loop, a detachable jumper is used instead of the wire for demonstration purpose only. This project can be developed in future by interfacing it with a GSM modem, so that whenever the wire loop breaks, an alert message is sent to the user through an SMS

Wire Loop Breaking Alarm Signal Project Kit
Wire Loop Breaking Alarm Signal Project Kit

Remote Jamming Device

The main intention of this project is to design a remote jamming device, which can jam the TV remote rays. In this system, infrared rays develop – they are generally emitted by a TV remote. The proposed system is built by using a 555 timer in astable mode, which is made to generate the higher power pulses which are emitted by an IR diode. These rays while aimed at the TV receiver disable the  infrared sensor built into the TV. Thus, when any number is pressed on the remote, the infrared rays sent will not have any effect on TV. Furthermore, this project can be developed by using powerful IR diodes such that it can be operated from a long distance.

Remote Jamming Device Project Kit
Remote Jamming Device Project Kit

Wireless Audio Transmitter for TV

This project permits you to watch your favorite TV programs late at night without troubling other family members. The proposed system uses an FM transmission principle. Nowadays, Most of the modern TVs are equipped with audio-in/out and video-in/out RCA sockets.Using an RCA-to-RCA cord, an audio output of the TV is connected to the input of the transmitter. Adjust the gain of the audio pre amplifier for clear reception in a portable FM receiver equipped with an earphone socket.

Wireless Audio Transmitter for TV Project Kit
Wireless Audio Transmitter for TV Project Kit

Self-Switching Power Supply

Every embedded system needs a regulated power supply. The circuit of power supply gives a variable regulated power supply and turns off in no load condition.Through an arrangement of the IC 7805 voltage regulator  and a potentiometer, the O/P voltage varies from 3.7V-8.7V. Another feature of this power supply is that when no load is there it automatically turns OFF. It is attained through an arrangement of transistors and relay.

Self-Switching Power Supply Project Kit
Self-Switching Power Supply Project Kit

Video Activated Relay to Control the Load

This project is designed to trigger a relay, whenever an I/P video signal is fed to it. For instance, it can be used to switch OFF a TV automatically once the video signals are not available. When the circuit senses a video signal, it activates a relay. Video signals are amplified by a transistor to drive a relay through another transistor. When the video signals are not available, the transistor turns off to turn off the load.

Video Activated Relay to Control the Load Project Kit
Video Activated Relay to Control the Load Project Kit

Touch Controlled Load Switch

The main goal of this project is to develop a touch sensitive switch to control the load. The proposed system uses a 555 timer, which is used in a monostable mode to drive a relay to switch on a load for fixed time duration. The 555 timer is activated by a touch plate connected to its pin. The output of the 555 timer delivers logic high for a fixed time interval as decided by the RC time constant connected to the timer. This o/p drives a relay which in turn switches on the load for that duration after which it is switched off automatically. Human body induced mains supply develops a voltage on the touch plate to trigger the timer.

Video Activated Relay to Control the Load Project Kit
Video Activated Relay to Control the Load Project Kit

Time Delay Based Relay Operated Load

The main goal of this project is to design a time delay based switch to control any load. This project uses a 555 timer in a monostable mode to drive a relay to switch on/off a load for a fixed time duration. This circuit is made up of a simple adjustable timer circuit which controls the actual relay.The time is adjustable from 0- few seconds, but can be increased by increasing the time constant of the mono-stable 555-timer. The current handling capacity of the load is limited by the type of relay used. A lamp is used as a load in this project.

Time Delay Based Relay Operated Load Project Kit
Time Delay Based Relay Operated Load Project Kit

LED Based Automatic Emergency Light

An emergency LED light is used in night time when the power is not available. This light takes 230V AC and converts it into 12V DC and charge the battery which is used in this circuit.

LED Based Automatic Emergency Light Project Kit
LED Based Automatic Emergency Light Project Kit

This automatic emergency led light is used in night time when the power is cut off by some reason. This emergency light takes 230V AC and converts it into 12V DC and charges the battery which is used in this circuit. This battery is used when the power is not available. In this circuit, a PNP transistor is used. The advantage of emergency light is  that we use a light in a room with LED light source for high energy conversion efficiency. Rechargeable batteries  used in this project are NIMh or LI-Ion or ICd.

The above latest EC mini projects can be implemented by using different technologies. We believe that our latest electronics projects for ECE offer immense help to the III and IV year students and can make them select suitable EC projects for their project work. Apart from these EC projects, students can also go through some of the major projects from our website: