ESP8266 Projects for Engineering Students

In the electronics field, the ESP8266 WiFi module is gaining so much popularity due to its reliability, inexpensive & simple availability in the market. This module includes a 32-bit in-built low-power ROM, RAM & CPU. It is a completely independent Wi-Fi network solution that includes software applications like a stand-alone device otherwise connected to an MCU. This article list outs ESP8266 Projects for engineering students.

ESP8266 Projects for Engineering Students

The ESP8266 Wi-Fi modules have the capability of Wi-Fi & Bluetooth. There are different kinds of development boards such as ESP8266-01, NodeMCU, ESP8266, ESP32, ESP12, etc. All these boards are programmed easily through Arduino IDE to be used to make different beginner and engineering projects. The following list includes different ESP8266 projects for beginners.

ESP8266 WiFi Module
ESP8266 WiFi Module

1). Geolocation with ESP8266 Module

This project is used to find out the exact location of a person through the ESP8266 Wi-Fi module instead of using a GPS module. So this can be achievable through the Geolocation API of Google. Google provides an application programming interface to get information from nearby Wi-Fi modems.

2). Wireless Web Server

This wireless web server project uses an ESP8266 module & an Arduino IDE. This is mainly used to load & compile the programs within the ESP8266 webserver. The community of ESP8266 has invented an appropriate plug-in for this module to utilize through an Arduino IDE. A web server can be built through a step-by-step procedure.

3). A Robot Controlled through ESP8266 Wi-Fi Module

This project is used to control with the help of the ARMA IoT shield used for UNO & the App like Blynk from any place to provide the interface for the user. The proposed system utilizes an Arduino Uno board that is allied to the WiFi module through an ARMA & Blynk app which is accessible for both Android & iOS.

4). Temperature Logging System

A temperature logging system is designed through a PIC16F887 MCU, ThingSpeak API & Wi-Fi. ThingSpeak is an open-source IoT application & API is to store & retrieve information from things on the Internet. It allows you to get, analyze, store, visualize & operate on the information obtained from electronic circuits & sensors.


5). Pressure Sensors on Railway Tracks through ESP8266

Every year so many animals are dying due to train hits. This incident mainly occurs in hill stations. To overcome this problem, a system is invented & built on the tracks using pressure sensors. So that it generates an alarm to avoid train accidents by stopping the train.

ESP8266 based IoT Projects

ESP8266 module including microcontroller is mainly used to build IoT projects because of its compatibility & less cost. Here is the list of IoT projects based on ESP8266.

ESP8266 based IoT Projects
ESP8266 based IoT Projects

1). Home Automation using IoT & ESP8266

This project is used to make a home automation system using the ESP8266 Wi-Fi module and it includes Wi-Fi. The proposed system mainly works through a local webserver & it is very simple to utilize for the beginner. By using this IoT project, we can easily control two AC home appliances.

2). Air Pollution Meter

An air pollution meter enabled with IoT is used to monitor the quality of air on your smartphone through an Arduino board & Blynk app. Blynk app is an IoT platform used to manage Raspberry Pi, Arduino, using the Internet. In this system, the Blynk app provides a digital control panel on your smartphone to show the readings of real-time air quality of the surroundings.

3). IoT & ESP8266 based Colour Sorting Machine

The color sorting machine through ESP8266 & IoT project can be built with TCS3200 color sensor & servo motors-2. This project is used to sort out different colors where the color sensor like TCS3200 is accountable for detecting an object’s color & servo motors help in putting them into the appropriate predefined color box. The number of devices for every color will be shown over the Thingspeak control panel.

4). Inventory Management System

In-store management, inventory control is the essential component. So the proposed system is developed namely a sensors & IoT based automated inventory management system through ESP8266 microcontroller to detect the number of products there on a shelf otherwise it can precisely provide a particular good’s weight. Finally, the store owner can monitor from his office or home through the ThingSpeak cloud platform

5). Water Level Monitoring through ESP8266 & IoT

The proposed system is used to monitor the level of water using the IoT & ESP8266 wi-fi module. Here, the detection of water level can be done through a sensor namely an ultrasonic distance measurement. This project can be designed by integrating it through a local webserver to monitor the information from any connected device toward a similar Wi-Fi like your ESP board.

6). IoT Based Monitoring of Sound Pollution using NodeMCU

This project is used to design an IoT decibel meter for monitoring sound in a specific area & record the value within a graph through IoT. This device is very helpful in different areas such as schools, hospitals for monitoring & tracking the levels of the sound & take action accordingly. A sound level meter is used for audio measurements.

7). Motion Detector using IoT

A motion sensor like HC-SR501 is normally called PIR. Each object generates heat in the IR rays form, so when this sensor notices any change within the heat, then the o/p pin turns into HIGH. Here, a PIR sensor including NodeMCU is used to design a motion detector system with IoT to detect motion & displays on a webpage including date & time.

8). An Alert System for Vehicle Accident & Rash Driving through IoT

The proposed system is used to design an alert system for identifying rash driving and vehicle accidents using NodeMCU. This is completely functional as well as separate circuitry. Further this project can be enhanced to track the exact vehicle location in real-time.

ESP8266 Robotics Projects

The list of ESP8266 robotics projects is discussed below.

ESP8266 Robotics Projects
ESP8266 Robotics Projects

1). Robot Controlled through Arduino & ESP8266

This project is used to control a robotic car through a WiFi module & Arduino. So in this project, the controlling of a simple robotic car can be done through a web page on WiFi Network. Further, this project can be enhanced through advanced features such as incorporating a camera & allowing the feed live over the browser.

2). Robotic Arm through IOT & NodeMCU

In industrial areas, robotic arms play a key role to execute tedious & complicated tasks. Especially in automobile industries, these are used extensively. At present in medical applications, robotics arms are used to perform different surgeries through IoT. The position of a robotic arm with 3D prints can be controlled by using any smart mobile through the Blynk app. Previously, Bylink is used to control GPIO based appliances with Raspberry Pi & NodeMCU to control GPIO connected appliances.

3). ESP8266 WiFi Controlled Robot

The proposed system like the ESP8266 wifi-controlled robot is used to control a robot through wifi. By using this project, we can able to control our mobile robot through the PC, right from your desired web browser.

4). Robot using Nodemcu Esp8266 & Arduino Uno

The main intention of a family robot is used to observe the home. This project works through an esp8266 wifi & Arduino Uno to upload the value toward the Thingsspeak cloud. The main sensors used in this project are LDR, gas, metal, ultrasonic, DHT 1, fire, etc. The navigation of this robot can be done within the home through the cloud.

5). Arduino Robot Controlling through ESP8266

This project is used to implement an Arduino robot and it’s controlling through an AI-Thinker ESP8266 & L298N motor driver. So this kind of robot is called as UTFPRBot version 1.0. So by using the ESP8266 module, this robot can be controlled.

ESP8266 NodeMCU Projects

Generally, NodeMCU is an open-source firmware and it is mainly used for the famous ESP8266 board. This kind of board is an inexpensive board used in IoT applications. The list of electronics projects using the ESP8266 NodeMCU board is discussed below.

1). LED Matrix Display using a NodeMCU ESP8266

The proposed system is used to make an LED dot matrix display based on MAX7219 through a NodeMCU ESP8266. Here, an ESP8266 & a dot matrix display are used along with the MAX7219 to display messages transmitted on the local Wi-Fi network. This code can also be changed to permit these messages to be transmitted throughout the internet with different APIs.

2). GPS Location Tracker using IoT , GPS & NodeMCU

This project is used to design a GPS location tracker board through an IoT & a GPS Module like NEO-6M. This kind of board mainly includes a booster circuit with 3.7 – 6V, an OLED display module, NodeMCU, NEO-6M GPS Module, etc. Here location details can be displayed through a local web server that includes a direct link to check the exact location within Google Maps.

3). LittleFS to Read/Write & Delete Flash Memory Data of NodeMCU

This project is used to design the circuit for the LittleFS test through ESP8266. In this project, the process of data reading, writing within the little FS file system can be done. So it provides you a fundamental idea regarding how the entire system functions. The steps involved in this project are writing data to LittleFS, reading data from LittleFS & Delete data from LittleFS.

4). NodeMCU Motor Driver for Robotics

Motors play a key role while developing robotic projects. However, microcontrollers GPIO pins don’t let you draw the required amount of current for an electric motor, so the motor driver ICs are mainly used. In this project, the motor driver shield includes an L293D IC, a 6 pin switch to control power, an LM7805, some additional sensor pins, relay, etc.

5). MQTT Communication with NodeMCU & ESP8266 through Arduino IDE

There are several possible methods to converse with different devices, however in hobby & commercial products; a single protocol is used like MQTT or Message Queuing Telemetry Transport. In the proposed system, a free & popular Eclipse MQTT broker is used to connect a device based on IoT to an MQTT broker & transmit the data between the NodeMCU & MQTT broker.

ESP8266 RFID Projects

The list of RFID projects based on ESP8266 includes the following.

RFID with NodeMCU
RFID with NodeMCU

1). RFID Attendance System based on IoT through & Arduino ESP8266

The proposed system is used to make RFID Attendance System based on IoT with platform & Arduino MCU ESP8266 through the MQTT broker. The scanners like RFID & Arduino will scan the RFID cards & logs the data toward the platform of Adafruit IO cloud using the ESP8266 Wi-Fi module. This data can be exhibited within the dashboard of Adafruit IO & accessed through the essential authorities to outlook & examine the attendance on the internet from any place.

2). Event Management System based on IoT through RFID

The proposed system like IoT Enabled Event Management System through RFID is used to monitor the entry log and also by using IoT technology it can send the data of log & entry directly toward a dedicated server to manage all the authorization, authentication & management to make the complete process seamless.

3). Remote Access Door Lock using RFID, IoT & ESP8266

The proposed system like remote access door lock system can be built with RFID, Nodemcu ESP8266 module, RFID, Blynk application & Electronic Lock. By using this project, we can monitor the door lock remotely from any place in the world through your Android or iPhone device. To unlock the door lock, the admin has to give permission.

4). Access Control Board using RFID with RC522 & ESP8266

This project is used to design an access control board using RFID with RC522 & ESP8266. The Least attempt for setting up of your access control system, just flash & the whole thing can be configured through Web UI. This control board is mostly applicable at schools, labs, market space, etc

5). Database Security System using Arduino & RFID

This project implements a designing process for Arduino & RFID-based Database Security System Project. This system will connect to the database to confirm if an RFID tag is allowable or not. This project is very helpful for beginners and also engineering students.

6). Smart Shopping Cart based on IoT with NodeMCU & RFID

The proposed system like a smart shopping cart is designed with NodeMCU & RFID. This project is very helpful in reducing the waiting time and makes the billing process very easy. In this project, RFID readers & cards through NodeMCU are used to design this project. So the cart data & entire value will be exhibited on the LCD & webpage.

ESP8266 LED Projects

The list of ESP8266 LED projects includes the following.

LED with WiFi Module
LED with WiFi Module

1). LED Controlling through WiFi using Arduino & ESP8266

This project is used to control an LED through a Wifi module with the help of an Arduino. Here ESP8266 is used as a wifi module & LED is connected to the Arduino board’s digital I/O pins over the WiFi network through the ESP8266 WiFi Module. This project is very helpful for hobbyists or beginners.

2). LED Controlling from Webpage using ESP8266

In this project, an ESP8266 NodeMCU is used to connect through the ThingSpeak IoT Cloud Platform. Here, NodeMCU includes a Wi-Fi module so we don’t require exterior Wi-Fi. By using this project an LED can be controlled through ESP8266 from a webpage by creating an HTML webpage. By doing a small change within this project, we can use this system for home automation.

3). LED Fading through ESP8266

PWM technique is used to deliver the power toward loads like Motors & LEDs and also to encode messages. In this project, the ESP8266 WiFi Module is used to produce Pulse Width Modulation signals that will be utilized for fading of LED. So that the brightness of LED can be controlled this is connected to the GPIO2 pin of the ESP8266.

4). OLED Display Interfacing through NodeMCU ESP8266

This project is used to interface an SSD1306 OLED with NodeMCU ESP826 and the display used in this is a 7-Pin SPI type. OLEDs can produce their backlight on a separate level of pixel used in TVs and mobile phones. Because of less power utilization, these displays are also very famous within battery-operated devices such as health trackers, smartwatches, etc.

5). ESP8266 RGB LED Strip through Color Picker Web Server

This project is used to control an RGB LED strip remotely through an ESP8266 board & a web server using a color picker. Once you select a color, then the browser will request a URL that includes the B, G & R parameters of the preferred color. ESP8266 gets the request & divides every color parameter value. After that, it transmits a PWM signal through the equivalent value toward the GPIOs for the strip controlling.

6). IoT based Neopixel LED Controlled through Voice

This project is used to manage the Neopixel LED strip through Blynk App & Google Assistant. This is a free platform for IoT that is connected to IFTTT that is used to make the statements of if-else conditions or Applets. The voice commands have been included throughout the IFTTT applet after that decoded & transmitted to the app with IFTTT Webhooks. The Blynk app data is accessed through the ESP-01 microcontroller.

Other ESP8266 Projects

The list of other ESP8266 projects is discussed below.

1). Automation & Monitoring of Smart Kitchen with ESP8266

This system is used to build an IoT-based smart kitchen for monitoring & controlling through NodeMCU ESP8266. This project uses different components like DHT11 is used to monitor temperature, MQ-135 is to check air quality, OLED to display the temperature, the exhaust fan is used once gas level increases, PIR is to detect the presence/ absence of a person & Blynk App to monitor &control all the status.

2). IoT Indoor Air Quality Monitoring with BME680 BSEC & ESP8266

The proposed system is used to monitor Indoor Air Quality with the BME680 sensor & ESP8266 through the BSEC Library & Blynk App. Here the library used is highly advanced so we can get IAQ value. The Blynk app is used to check environmental data remotely. The ESP8266 module connects to the Wi-Fi network & regularly uploads the data to the server of Blynk.

3). Monitoring of Battery Status through IoT & ESP8266

The main aim of this project is to design a battery monitoring system based on IoT & ESP8266 to check the charging or discharging status of the battery. Earlier BMS simply monitors only the battery condition & gives an alarm to the user through an indicator. However, present BMS monitors the battery properties like current, voltage, temperature, etc.

4). Heart Rate Monitor based on IoT with Arduino & ESP8266

The proposed system is used to make an IoT-based heart rate monitor through Arduino, NodeMCU ESP8266 & an easy pulse sensor. The pulse rate value can be displayed on OLED and MQTT Dashboard concurrently. So in this project, the easy pulse sensor can be interfaced through ESP8266 & Arduino. First, pulse rate data can be displayed on OLED after that the data can be transmitted to the MQTT.

5). Visitor Counter in Bidirectional based on IoT

The proposed system like Visitor Counter in bidirectional based on IoT using Ubidots MQTT & NodeMCU ESPP8266 is used to check the whole number of current visitors, incoming & outgoing through online from any area of the world through Ubidots Dashboard. The sensor used in this project is infrared and the data of visitors can be uploaded to Ubidots cloud with NodeMCU ESP8266.

6). IPL Scoreboard to Display Live Score through Arduino

The proposed system like an IPL scoreboard with NodeMCU & P10 display Module is based on an Arduino & IoT. This project is used to show the live score of cricket, so it is used in stadiums, playgrounds, etc.

7). Water Flow Meter based on IoT & NodeMCU

The proposed system like a water flow meter based on IoT & NodeMCU with a water flow sensor like YFS20. We know that water level can be measured by using a water flow meter like water quantity & flow rate and transmits it to the cloud to check the utilization of water. The water flow meter used in this project is YFS201 at a low cost.

8). Smart Plug using ESP8266

This project builds a smart socket with Wi-Fi, used to control AC loads wirelessly using a smartphone. In this smart plug project, an ESP8266 Wi-Fi module is used. This device can be easily plugged into any available AC socket & after that, on the remaining end, you can fix the actual load just by plugging it into the opening on our device. Later just switch ON the main switch & you can manage your electrical load directly from your smartphone.

9). Smart Irrigation System using ESP8266 NodeMCU

The proposed system like a smart irrigation system based on IoT & ESP8266 NodeMCU is very helpful for ease of farming in the agriculture field. The sensor used in this project is the DHT11 Sensor. This system includes a water pump, used to sprinkle water on the soil based on its condition like humidity, temperature & moisture.

10). Home Automation Control through Voice & Google Assistant

There are many ways to interact with each machine or humans. However, the basic interaction used by humans is vocal communication because humans can speak & listen. But the proposed system is used to control home appliances like fans, lights through voice commands through Google assistant.

11). Deep Sleep Mode for Power Saving within ESP8266

In any IoT project or device, the power factor is one of the main factors to consider. To overcome this, the most popular module like ESP8266 is used to design any IoT project. Here the data of the LM35 temperature sensor is uploaded into ThingSpeak cloud within 15 secs so, in that time, the ESP8266 module stays in deep sleep mode to conserve the power

Thus, this is all about the list of ESP8266 Projects for engineering students. This is a WiFi system on a chip developed by Espressif Systems. This integrated circuit is mainly designed to provide complete internet connectivity within a small package. This module can be used for external use with the typical AT command set firmware by connecting it to a microcontroller with the help of the serial UART. Here is a question for you, what is WiFi?