Embedded Systems Mini Projects for Engineering Students

Mini embedded system projects are perhaps the largest solo type of projects, particularly in admiration to students of the electronics & electric engineering stream. These embedded systems mini projects are the most popular project amid the engineering students for a number of reasons. Out of the many grounds for picking projects supported by embedded systems, the most realistic reasons are- cost-effective, easy to demonstrate, easy to comprehend, and give explanation, etc. Also amid the different other alternatives available, embedded systems are the domain where engineering students can put their efforts into developing pioneering & innovative projects.

Embedded Systems Mini Projects for Engineering Students

Look at the following some of the embedded systems mini projects for engineering students.

Embedded Systems Mini Projects
Embedded Systems Mini Projects

Biometrics ATM System

In this project, we have created a model for making use of biometrics outfitted ATMs (Automatic Teller Machines) to supply a lot of social services comprising verification of identity and providing social safety, unemployment, well-being, and pension benefits to a huge section of the population.

Bio Metric ATM System
Bio-Metric ATM System

This project reviews how Automatic Teller Machines have developed into a technology application giving financial amenities to a large section of our society, and the technical utility behind the provisioning of those amenities. Biometrics advancement and functionality are discovered and a technical model is created for its incorporation to present ATM machines, databases & networks. This project wraps up by delineation probable benefits to government, business & individuals, together with overcoming a few of the social and legal barriers.

GSM Based ECG Tele-Alert System

This assignment is created for the Doctors to investigate the patient’s heartbeat and if something weird and odd happens it informs the doctor with the help of GSM technology and also saves the information in the central server via RF.

The key component of the project is Micro-controller, GSM & Heartbeat sensor. The heartbeat sensor is allied with the patient’s body. If the heartbeat readings are below or above a preset range, it transmits a signal to the Micro-controller. The microcontroller without delay transmits a signal to the server via RF transmitter and also conveys a signal to the GSM circuit. This GSM controller informs the Doctor by sending an SMS.


The RF retriever obtains the signal and in view of that shows the heartbeat status. If the doctor is unavailable at any particular instance, the information is saved in the PC, and the doctor can examine it later or whenever necessary. The program of micro-controller is written in assembly language and the programs for a port are written in Visual Basic. The micro-controller brought into play is PIC 16F73

On-Board Diagnostic (OBD) System

This project aims at the development of the OBD (On-Board Diagnostic) system for automobiles. The intended On-Board Diagnostic system has a micro-controller based development system and comprises- sensors fixed at various sections of the vehicle to scrutinize different parameters. The processing unit installed will take information from the sensors and indicates conditioners, evaluate the synchronized figures of the vehicle parameters, and give output to the user interface. By this system will be capable to make a diagnosis about faults, strange unexpected changes, alert users of any abnormal situation, and in few cases point out the reason for the fault.

This OBD system is intended fundamentally to be applied to automobiles that do not have factory-integrated OBD systems and can be effortlessly built-in devoid of major variation to the automobile. It is a user-friendly OBD system with integrated LCD and keypad accessibility through which users can see parameter figures, caution notices, and describe custom confines for various parameters as per the vehicle.

Microcontroller Based Electronic Queue Control Systems

In this project, we have used a low-cost & portable micro-controller for developing an EQC (electronic queue control) system. It has been developed with the intention of controlling the queue in banks, ticket reservation counter, customer service center, mobile or electricity bill paying centers, etc. The main objective of the intended systems is to uphold a queue without creating any menace.

Two different systems have been designed with a slight difference in features. In the First EQC system, a universal display has been employed for showing token number and service counter number while in the second EQC system, each & every token number is exhibited separately in every service counter with different displays.

In both designs, each client has to take a token, and only then he/she will be served when the token number is showcased in the display unit. The systems were intended around a 16F72 IC, a low-priced 8-bit PIC micro-controller, and completely software controlled. All control programs have been created by employing the PIC assembly language. Lastly, the Queue systems have been verified under various situations to estimate their performance.

Brain-Actuated Humanoid Robot Navigation Control

This project of Brain-actuated robotic systems has been intended as an innovative control interface to interpret various human intents into suitable action commands for robotic applications. This project suggests a brain triggered humanoid robot steering mechanism that brings into play an EEG-BCI.

The investigation processes comprise of offline training sittings, online criticism test sittings, and synchronized control conferences. All through the offline training meetings, amplitude characteristics from the EEGs were taken out by employing band power analysis.

While the steering experimentation, the subject managed the humanoid robot in a covered web employing the BCI mechanism with instantaneous pictures from the camera placed on the robot’s head. The upshots exhibited that 3 subjects productively steered the covered web using the planned brain triggered humanoid robot steering system.

Bluetooth Energy Meter

Automation of home & office by bringing into play Bluetooth enabled gadgets has produced adequate curiosity in the networking community. Automation based on Bluetooth proffers suppleness, even when the gadgets, in reality, are far from the central unit. The orders for the central automation unit are provided via the software module on the PC. From the PC the orders are provided to Bluetooth USB interpreter. The Bluetooth USB interpreter facilitates the Bluetooth communiqué and alters the information into airborne signals.

The Bluetooth receiver has an integral antenna, which collects the airborne signals and conveys the information to the embedded microcontroller via a serial port. The Bluetooth receivers can function in point-to-multipoint, multipoint-to-multipoint & point-to-point structural designs. The embedded micro-controller is employed to interpret the data. The embedded microcontroller is the CPU that chooses the functions of the automation unit. The embedded microcontroller employed here is 89C51 micro-controller.

Automated Car DashBoard

The main aim of this assignment is to supervise the automobile parameters like speed, distance traveled, engine temperature & oil. This venture is intended with a micro-controller, amplifier unit, float sensor, proximity sensor, LCD screen display, ADC, and temperature sensor.

In this assignment, the proximity sensor is incorporated in the tires of the vehicle. When the wheel rotates the proximity sensor provides the pulse to the micro-controller. From this, we can without problems compute the RPM (revolution per minute). The temperature sensor is brought into use to keep an eye on the temperature of the engine.

The temperature sensor values are provided to the micro-controller via amplifier & ADC. ADC is just an analog to a digital interpreter. It interprets the inward bound analog signals into parallel digital signals which are provided to the microcontroller. The micro-controller employed can be of Atmel or PIC, as both are from the flash category & are reprogrammable micro-controller.

Palpitation Panel Based Automation

The key objective of this system is to watch and run devices robotically by means of a touch panel. The intention of the system is to run the gadgets which are coupled to the ARM microcontroller via touch panel. In this Palpitation Panel system gadgets are controlled via a touch panel that is aligned with a microcontroller. By employing this method we can direct any machine.

By this, we can control all sorts of machines i.e., ON or OFF the gadgets by means of a touch panel. Every time we tap the touch panel it will sense and conveys this information to the micro-controller. The micro-controller will put into progression this information and in view of that ON or OFF the machine. An array of turning the machine ON or OFF will be pre-definitely programmed in the IC.

Vehicle Tax Pay And Access System

The aim of the assignment is to give an exact and secure atmosphere for toll posts and to robotically manage the automobile movements at the toll posts by giving individual identity cards to each toll user with the aid of this smartcard technology, things turn out extremely smooth. Here in this assignment we will be providing the smartcard to the vehicle owners so that every time the vehicle passes the toll, the driver can pass by just by using his cards and only the authoritative individual can penetrate and pass out if the smartcard is valid and also if the adequate sum of money is available in the card.

The smartcard will be positioned in the facade of the card reader, which checks for validation then the concerned sum of money will be deducted from the smartcard and then the toll gate will be unbolted and the vehicle can pass by. In this project smart card gives the right to the vehicle to use the toll bridge; this smart card holds all the account details of the cardholder. The power supply circuit is employed for powering the microcontroller and also the rest of the circuitry.

Bank Locker Security System

This assignment is created for the clients to make use of a high safety locker with automatic dialing. The circuit consists of a micro-controller unit, Lock-key, and a phone circuit. The lock is coupled with the bank locker. A keypad is allied with the micro-controller unit. Signals from the keypad are conveyed to the micro-controller unit. The micro-controller unit manages the phone circuit. The micro-controller employed here is PIC 16F73 and the programming language used in the microcontroller is written in assembly language.

To unlock the locker, the user has to punch the security code via the keypad. The micro-controller examines the code and notifies the user by a green signal about the opened door. If an authorized user uses the locker, the micro-controller transmits a signal to the micro controlling unit and then activating the telephone circuit. The micro-controlling unit calls the exact user in this situation. This assignment provides high safety to the user so that unauthorized individuals cannot access the locker.

Embedded systems projects proffer the most excellent interface potentials for linking sensors, a range of input and output devices, and a mixture of communications alternatives. Cause of all these grounds they are the most excellent alternative for building projects, that have a need for connections to different devices. For all these grounds embedded systems projects are amid the most suggested projects for students of electric & electronic engineering.

Embedded Systems Mini Projects for ECE

The list of embedded systems mini projects for ECE students includes the following.

Robot for Bomb Detection through Embedded Controller

This project designs a robot to detect the bomb in a particular area. This system can be operated by any person using RF from the PC. The user can control this entire system using visual moving pictures that are transmitted from the robotic system. Whenever the robot detects the bomb then it generates a buzzer sound. If it has any metals then it may lead to major damage. So this project is configured with a metal detector circuit so that metals can be detected.

Telephone Router

This telephone router is a microphone based system & it is used to route the telephone calls to a variety of parties through initializing specified switches. This device is specially used where teledensity is very poor. By using this system, incoming calls routing can be done from the master instrument to a slave which is arranged at different other points. Further, this device doesn’t let the locations of a slave to create an outgoing card.

Control System for Digital Devices based on Touch Screen Graphical LCD The main goal of this proposed system is to design a GLCD based touch screen interface which is used to turn ON electrical devices. This project includes main building blocks like microcontroller, GLCD, an electromagnetic relay, and electrical devices. A keypad with virtual on-screen as well as the control board can be developed using the microcontroller program.

The device’s status can be observed on GLCD. In this project, the devices can be controlled through the user finer touch. The control of electrical appliances like Television can be protected with a password. This project can be built with a microcontroller that uses inputs from the touch screen & processes the request so that required action can be taken to update the status on GLCD.

Embedded System based Ultrasonic Radar

A radar system can be built with a transmitter & receiver where the transmitter transmits the beam to the target. Then this can be reproduced through the target like an eco signal. A receiver in this project can receive & converts these signals.

Generally, radar systems are designed with high power transmitter & receivers, large displays, big antennas, processing systems with DSPs. In this radar system, ultrasonic waves are used to notice an object & measure its distance & angular position to display on an LCD screen.

Flash Light-based Decade Counter

This mini project is used to design a flashlight using a decade counter. This simple project operates with a 3V supply and it is used to generate flashing lights within the running model. In normal running lights, the LEDs will blink individually. But in this project, the light-emitting diodes will blink several times alone.

The list of embedded systems mini projects using 8051 microcontrollers includes the following.

8051 Microcontroller
8051 Microcontroller

8051 Microcontroller based Digital Voltmeter

This mini project is used to design a digital voltmeter using an 8051 microcontroller. This project is mainly used to measure the input voltage that ranges from 0Volts to 5Volts. Here, the DC voltage is used as an input voltage to get the precise o/p on LCD.

LC Meter with 8051 Microcontroller & 555 Timer

This simple LC meter can be built with 555 Timer as well as an 8051 microcontroller. This circuit is used to calculate the reactive element value of an inductor and a capacitor.

8051 Microcontroller based Door Lock System through Password

This system is used to demonstrate a password-based door lock system using 8051 microcontrollers. Whenever the correct password is entered then the door will be opened to allow the authorized person into the protected area. At last, the door will be closed after some specific time.

8051 Microcontroller based Digital Dice

The digital dice game project is designed with an 8051 microcontroller. It includes a seven-segment display & an LCD. Here, the LCD is used to display the score whereas the 7-segment display is used to display the digit on the dice. In this project, buttons are mainly used to do the rolling actions as well as reset action of the digital dice.

8051 Microcontroller based Digital Calendar

A digital calendar is a device that is used to maintain the date, month, and year with time. This calendar is designed with an 8051 microcontroller. This device includes different modules like power supply, digital clock, 8051 interfaces, date, month & year. This device can be used by an individual or a company.
The list of embedded system mini projects using PIC microcontroller includes the following.

Interface RTC (Real Time Clock) using PIC18F Microcontroller

This simple project is used to interface an RTC with a PIC microcontroller. Here, the real-time clock is one kind of integrated circuit that is used to track current time continuously.

A PIC Microcontroller based Ultrasonic Range Finder

This project is used to found the ultrasonic range using a PIC microcontroller & a 7-segment display. This device is extremely useful for measuring the distance between two objects without physically. This simple system uses ultrasonic signals which are simply controlled through the microcontroller. This system range is limited however the application areas mainly include robot positioning, discovering liquid level & deepness of snow, etc.

Dual Mode Robot: Obstacle Detector and RF Controlled

This project is used to design a robot with dual-mode because this robot works as an obstacle detector in one mode whereas in another mode it works like an RF controlled robot. The microcontroller used in this project is PIC which works like the main processing unit through an RF communication link, obstacle detector & motor driver connected to it. This robot is used in mines, surveillance, etc.

EVM based on Fingerprint

The EVM stands for Electronic Voting Machine. This is one kind of voting machine and by using this device an efficient voting operation can be achieved. But there is no technique to approve the voter. This EVM system is designed with a PIC microcontroller and a fingerprint scanner. So these systems allow authorized persons, checks for eligibility & avoid fake votes.

Embedded Security Projects

The list of embedded systems mini projects based on security includes the following.

Security System using Micro Controller & Sonar

This security project is based on an embedded system and works with the RADAR principle. This project includes a SONAR module which is arranged on a stepper motor. Once this motor turns, and then SONAR module mounts on this motor.

When the stepper motor turns, the SONAR module transmits ultrasonic signals to scan the room. So, if this system is arranged in the middle of a room, then it scans the complete region. Here, the scanning range mainly depends on the module of SONAR. The SONAR module like the Polaroid 6500 series range is about 6 to 35 feet. This system is used in security-based alert systems.

Security System based on Card

This is a microprocessor-based security system, used to identify cardholders through the name. Also, the right of entry to any given point can be controlled through separate passwords for person cardholders. In any case, if the person enters the wrong password then this system will generate sound. This project is cost-effective and highly secure & it can be executed in several security zones.

Digital Security Systems using GSM for Printer

This project is used to provide security for printers in the company because an organization uses printers professionally. The count printing of the printer can be secured as well as maintained through the login of PC with GSM control. The operator can turn on the printer otherwise PC through mobile communication.

Security Controller of Appliances through Power Line

This project is very useful for controlling different various loads like variable load with power line like the medium. Communication like PLC (Power Line Communication) is used in this project. The PLC is a communication method that uses the power 120 Volts & 240V, etc to hold the data. This project is used to control different loads and selectively turn ON the loads continuously & turn OFF all the loads at once.

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Thus, this is all about an overview of embedded systems mini projects for engineering students. These projects are implemented based on 8051, PIC, Security based, etc.