Electronics and Electrical Projects for Diploma Students

The self-learning project kits for diploma students are listed below. These projects are very useful for final year diploma students. Select the topics from the following list of projects. These projects are the latest and innovative electrical, electronic, embedded projects for final year students. These final year projects will assist students in their final year diploma to get good results throughout it. This list covers based on the latest concepts as well as technology. This article is intended to give the best electrical projects for diploma students for their final year academics. Usually, electrical diploma projects are efficiently involved in operating power plants, machines controlling like motors and generators, and handling power system equipment, and power electronic converters, etc.

Electrical and Electronics Projects for Diploma Students

The list of electrical projects for diploma students includes the following.

Electrical Projects for Diploma Students
Electrical Projects for Diploma Students

Automatic Elevator by Overload Alert

This project is used to stop the elevator from the damage that occurs due to heavy load. This project uses IR sensors for detecting the persons who enter into the elevator & increases the counter automatically. This increased count can be displayed on the seven segment display for indicating the people within the elevator at a fixed time.

This project uses a buzzer to generate the ring once the number of people within the elevator increases the limit. This buzzer will stop automatically once the number of people within the elevator exists so that the counter number will be decreased.

Automatic Door Opening Based on Motion

This project implements a system for opening the door automatically depending on the motion of humans. This project is used in offices, hotels, shopping malls to open the door automatically by sensing a person near the door. This can be achieved by using PIR sensors by detecting infrared energy from the live body. This signal can be processed & the door is opened as well as closed depending on this data.

When a person reaches the range of the sensor, then it detects the person & sends a signal to open the door and it closes the door in a precise time delay if there is no motion at the door. Further, this project can be improved by including a counter device so that number of persons can be tracked inside the capacity.


TV Remote based Controlling of Dish Position

This project is used to position a dish at an exact angle to get the maximum signal through a TV remote. This project can be built with an 8051 family microcontroller by interfacing with two motors. So that microcontrollers can generate commands to control the directions of dish movements in vertical as well as horizontal.

By using the IR remote, the transmission of coded signals can be done from transmitter to receiver. The receiver decodes the signal & transmits it to the microcontroller to start the motors for providing the movements using the motor driver IC. The code used by the TV remote is RC5 code and this code can be recognized through a microcontroller for generating suitable signals.

Detection of Overheat Machine by Alert

This project detects the temperature of a device when it gets overheated. This project is used where machines get overheated like industries and factories. The sensor used in this system is a digital temperature sensor for detecting temperature & transmits the data toward the microcontroller.

Further, this microcontroller processes data & transmits the temperature to display on the LCD screen. The temperature can be controlled through four pushbuttons and the power supply can be provided to this system by using a 12V transformer. If the system increases the temperature to a set limit then an alarm can be generated.

Vehicle Detection through Street Lights

This project implements a system to control the street light based on vehicle detection. By using this project, the energy is conserved through detecting the vehicle movement on highways to turn ON the block of a street light in front of it & turns off the switching lights simultaneously.

Telephone Router

This telephone router can be implemented using a microprocessor and it is capable of routing telephone calls in different directions through the switches. This router is extremely useful where the density of the telephone is very less. This router plays a key role in routing incoming calls by placing them at different locations from master to slave. Further, this device does not permit the locations of the slave to build an outgoing card.

Cellular Voting Machine based on Microcontroller

Nowadays, the usage of electronic devices is increasing. Similarly, devices like EVMs are used for voting purposes. Here, the proposed system is implemented namely a cellular voting machine using a microcontroller. This system includes two units namely a master & voting.

The voting unit can be arranged anywhere & the master unit can be arranged within a control room. This unit mainly includes a DTMF decoder that produces a DTMF tone & can be sent to the master unit using the FM transmitter.

The master unit includes a DTMF decoder, FM receiver, Display unit & Microcontroller. The DTMF tone from the voting unit can be obtained through the receiver and is decoded and specific functions are carried out by microcontroller and then it is displayed.

Barcode Decoder using Microcontroller

The barcode decoder using a microcontroller can be used to decode code 39. This was the primary barcode symbology for encoding alphanumeric data strings. This code is used in many industries for their requirements of labels. The decoders like HP barcoders are used in badges as well as barcoded cards to give an outstanding scanning performance.

Whenever a barcoded-based card is swiped then the slot reader provides a stream of pulses through changing widths. The count equivalent to these pulse widths is stored within the RAM. Later, the Intel Corporation implemented it to evaluate the pulse widths which are stored using the character set & the output of the decoded can be demonstrated on the LCD.

Smooth Start of a Single-Phase Induction Motor

This project implements a single-phase induction motor for a smooth start. This project main goal is to defend this motor using a low voltage supply at begin & after that to increase the voltage to operate the motor very smoothly. Because of the interrupt within the voltage supply at begin, the induction motor may get damage & in some cases, the motor windings can also be damaged. Therefore, this project mainly targets to provide a smooth start using the SCR firing angle control concept.

Some more electrical project ideas for diploma students include the following.

  1. Over Voltage- Under Voltage Protection
  2. Wireless Power Transfer in 3D Space
  3. Line Follower Robot using Microcontroller
  4. Radar Data Acquisition System
  5. DTMF based Home Automation System
  6. Function Generator based on Frequency Counter
  7. Self-Switching Power Supply
  8. LED-Based Automatic Emergency Light
  9. Electronic Soft Start for 3-Phase Induction Motor
  10. High Voltage DC by Marx Generator Principles
  11. Wireless Power Transfer project
  12. Solar Power Charge Controller
  13. Four Quadrant DC Motor Control without Microcontroller
  14. Time Delay Based Relay Operated Load
  15. Touch Controlled Load Switch
  16. Over Voltage or Under Voltage Tripping Mechanism
  17. Step-Up 6 Volt DC to 10 Volt Using 555 Timer
  18. Mains Operated LED Light
  19. Phase Sequence Checker for Three-Phase Supply
  20. Auto Selection of any Available phase, in Three-Phase Supply System
  21. High Voltage DC up to 2KV From AC by Using Diode and Capacitors in Multiplier Voltage Circuit
  22. Induction Motor Protection System
  23. Three-Phase Fault Analysis with Auto-Reset on Temporary Fault and Permanent Trip Otherwise
  24. Automatic Star Delta Starter Using Relays and Adjustable Electronic Timer for Induction Motor
  25. ACPWM Control for Induction Motor
  26. Password-Based Circuit Beaker
  27. DTMF based Load Control System
  28. XBEE Module Based Remote Monitoring of 3 Parameters on Transformer/ Generator Health
  29. Industrial Temperature Controller
  30. Ultra-Fast Acting Electronic Circuit Breaker
  31. Underground Cable Fault Distance Locator
  32. Detecting Power Grid Synchronization Failure on Sensing Frequency or Voltage Beyond Acceptable Range
  33. BLDC Motor Speed Control with RPM Display
  34. Predefined Speed Control of BLDC Motor
  35. Dish Positioning Control by IR Remote
  36. Solar Powered Auto-Irrigation System
  37. PC Based Electrical Load Control
  38. Power Saver for Industries & Commercial Establishments
  39. Optimum Energy Management System
  40. Programmable Switching Control for Industrial Automation in Repetitive Nature of Work
  41. Programmable Energy Meter for Electrical Load Survey
  42. Energy Meter Billing with Load Control over GSM with User Programmable Number Features by PIC Microcontroller
  43. Bidirectional Rotation of Induction Motor with a Remote Control Device
  44. Minimizing Penalty in Industrial Power Consumption by Engaging APFC Unit
  45. GSM Based Monthly Electricity Energy Billing and SMS upon GSM with User Programmable Features.
  46. Solar Powered LED Street Light with Auto-Intensity Control
  47. Auto Power Supply Control from 4 Different Sources: Solar, Mains, Generator & Inverter to ensure No Break
  48. Speed Control Unit Designed for a DC Motor
  49. Accident Alert in Modern Traffic System with Camera
  50. PIR Based Energy Conversation System for Corporate Computers and Lighting system

Don’t Miss: 8051 Microcontroller Projects for Engineering Students

Electronics Projects

In addition to the electrical projects, the following is a list of electronics projects for diploma students, particularly for the sake of those students who have an interest in electronics. We are providing project ideas with a variety of project topics that fulfills their necessities. This article consists of a diploma based projects list

Electronics Projects for Diploma Students
Electronics Projects for Diploma Students

Gas and Fire Accident Avoiding System

This project implements a system for avoiding gas as well as fire accidents by detecting these leakages. The proposed system includes both the sensors like fire and gas for the purpose of detection. Once this system detects the leakage of gas, then it turns off the gas supply to evade more gas leakage and immediately gives an alert to the concerned person via an SMS through GSM. Similarly, this system uses a fire sensor to detect the fire and informs the authorized person so that he takes the required action.

The Indication of Brake Failure for Four Wheeler

This project designs a system to indicate the brake failure of an automobile. At present, this problem is faced commonly by different vehicles which cause too many accidents. To overcome this problem, the proposed system is used.

In this project, the brake condition can be checked through the microcontroller. The microcontroller used in this project is PIC16F877 otherwise 89C51. The type of brake system used in the four-wheelers is oil type or air pressure type. So this project supports both types. The connection of the braking system can be done using a pressure tank. The pressure within the tank can be detected by the pressure sensor. After that, that sensor that generates the signal can be amplified to some level of voltage level which is given to the analog to digital converter.

This converter converts the signal from analog to digital and sends it to Microcontroller. If the level of tank pressure is less, the Microcontroller triggers an alarm using the driver circuit to alert the rider. The pressure range can be displayed on an LCD display.

Biomedical Data Transmission System

Patient data acquisition, as well as transmission, is the most significant topic within medical research. So, recent enhancements within the technology are improving to provide the best solutions for medical diagnostics & therapy.

This project is used to implement a system for transmitting the biomedical data wirelessly & monitoring in real-time. The biomedical sensors used in this system are heart rate, accelerometer & skin temperature. The wireless communication is used to provide sensor data toward a PC to perform data monitoring in real-time.

Visual AC Mains Voltage Indicator

This project implements a simple as well as useful visual ac mains voltage indicator. This project is used to indicate the AC mains voltage level using three dissimilar LEDs. This project is very simple to build especially for beginners.

This system provides a visual indication for the AC mains voltage that ranges from 160v to 270 volts. This system uses a number of LEDs to specify the voltage level. The LEDs will turn off for < 160v of the input voltage.

Intelligent Automatic Three-Phase Shifter System

In an automatic phase shifter, the 3 phase power supply is R, Y, B. Once the R phase power supply in the three-phase cuts, then we can get the Y phase-only & B phase can get at the output. So the load of the R phase cannot work.

If we use an automatic phase shifter then it will automatically adjust & we can get supply to all three phases without any power loss. If both the phases like R & Y is not coming from the electricity board then the electrical load present within the phase will not function, so by using an automatic phase shifter, we can work with all the phases. So this system is applicable for both domestic as well as commercial.

Detection of Car Over speed

At present, road accidents have been occurring due to several reasons like careless driving, over speed, not following the rules, etc. So the proposed system implements a system for detecting the speed of the car. This system detects once the car speed once it crosses the maximum limit of speed on highways.
This project includes three categories like detection of speed, acquisition of image & image processing. The speed detecting device mainly works with the Doppler effect using a microwave Doppler radar sensor.

The car speed can be estimated using the preset threshold & immediately camera is activated if the limit of speed increased. The image transfer and acquisition can be done using an HD camera that is connected with Raspberry pi & it is connected to the server through the internet.

The server includes the program for image processing to separate the frame of license from the picture. The number plate characters can be digitized & sends to the authority existing in the upcoming station wherever the car is heading.

Railway Level Crossing Gate Operation Remotely by Android

This project is used to implement a system for controlling the level crossing of the railway gate using an Android-based device that can be operated by the railway station master.

In general, a railway level crossing gate can be opened or closed by the station master manually. To overcome this, the proposed system is used to control the crossing motor gate through the engine driver with a phone by sending commands to a microcontroller for getting an output to drive a relay to operate the gate motor.

Some more electronics project ideas for diploma students include the following.

  1. Biomedical Data Transmission System with Central Monitoring and Controlling System
  2. Microcontroller based Digital Card Dash Board with Data Recording Facility
  3. Gas and Fire Accident Avoiding System
  4. Operation of Dam Based On the Level of Water
  5. Health and Position of Soldier Tracking SystemAlcohol Detecting Alarm
  6. Attendance Management with Face Recognition System
  7. A Bi-Directional Visitors Counter
  8. The indication of Brake Failure for Four Wheeler
  9. Function Generator with Frequency Counter
  10. Fuse Tube light Glower without any Choke
  11. Single-Phase Multilevel Inverter SPWM with Personal Computer Interface and OLM
  12. Intelligent Automatic Three-Phase Shifter System
  13. Visual AC Mains Voltage Indicator
  14. Advances in Renewable Energy Sources
  15. Wireless Petroleum Tank Monitor
  16. Multi-Power Utilizer Maximum-Demand Indicator and Power-Factor Indicator
  17. Sensorless Speed Control of Active Current Induction Motor Using Microcontroller
  18. Temperature Adjustable Heating System by Using Power Electronic Devices
  19. Weather Reporting Based on GSM
  20. Heart Beat Sensor-based Detection of Heart Attack
  21. Authentication of Exam Hall using Fingerprint
  22. Voting System based on Finger Print
  23. RFID based Billing System
  24. The door unlocked system using GSM
  25. Detection of Car Over speed
  26. Arduino Based Home Automation
  27. Arduino Based Underground Cable Fault Detection
  28. Incoming Phone Ring Flasher
  29. Electronic Eye Controlled Security System
  30. Android-based Remotely Programmable Sequential Load Operation
  31. Home Automation by Android Application Based Remote Control
  32. Android Application Controlled Remote Robot Operation
  33. Remote Operated Domestic Appliances Control by Android Application
  34. ARM Cortex (STM32) based Solar Street Light
  35. Vehicle Theft Location Intimation by GPS/GSM to the Owner
  36. Pick-N-Place Robotic Arm and Movement Controlled by Android Wirelessly
  37. Railway Level Crossing Gate Operation Remotely by Android
  38. Remote AC Power Control by Android Application with LCD Display
  39. Cell phone-based DTMF Controlled Garage Door Opening System
  40. Display of Dialed Telephone Numbers on Seven Segment Display
  41. Vehicle Tracking by GPS-GSM
  42. Flash Flood Intimation over GSM with User Programmable Number Features to The Station Master
  43. Tampered Energy Meter Monitoring Covered to Control Room by GSM with User Programmable Number Features
  44. Theft Intimation of the Vehicle Over GSM by SMS with User Programmable Number to Owner Who Can Stop the Engine Remotely.
  45. Using TV Remote as a Cordless Mouse for the Computer Using PIC Controller
  46. Wireless Message Communication between Two Computers
  47. Automatic Surveillance Camera Panning System from PC
  48. Unique Office Communication System Using RF
  49. Density Based Traffic Signal with Remote Override in Emergency
  50. Metal Detector Robotic Vehicle
  51. Secret Code Enabled Secure Communication Using RF Technology
  52. Speed Synchronization of Multiple Motors in Industries
  53. RF Controlled Robotic Vehicle with Laser Beam Arrangement
  54. RFID based Device Control and Authentication Using PIC Microcontroller
  55. RFID Security Access Control System
  56. Security System Using Smart Card Technology
  57. Drowsy Driver Sleep Detector and Alerter
  58. Voice Controlled Robotic Vehicle with Long Distance Speech Recognition
  59. Forest Fire Monitoring System Based on GSM and Zigbee Wireless Network
  60. Contactless AC Mains Voltage Detector
  61. Remote Measurement and Control System for Green House Based on GSM-SMS
  62. Three-Digit Industrial Object Counter
  63. Auditorium Management System

Don’t Miss: Embedded Systems Projects for Engineering Students

All of these diploma project ideas in the above list are of the latest and real-time projects and are perfectly suitable for the electronic and electrical diploma. Furthermore, if you want any help with implementing these projects, you can write to us in the comment section below.

Photo Credits: ganpatielectricals

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